the_itsb (she/her)

41f artsy late-dx AuDHD married to 42m machine whisperer, teen son trans & also ADHD. We do outdoor equipment & small engine repair from our home near Athens, OH, give remote assistance for diy, & make instructional videos. ❤️ dogs, cats, chickens, guineas ❤️

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • In the US, in the weeks leading up to the new school year starting late August/early September, many retailers will offer discounts on school supplies - paper, pencils and pens, backpacks, etc - to attract customers. Many clothing retailers market it to students as a great time for a wardrobe refresh or to reinvent your look entirely and offer discounts. Same deal with electronics, especially since higher math courses tend to have required calculators. Some states - including Ohio, where I live - offer a sales tax holiday on a weekend during this season to help with the expense involved.

    It’s wicked expensive with just one kid, I can’t imagine having several.