But he was so generous with the paper towels!!
But he was so generous with the paper towels!!
Now’s your chance!
Savers is the same as Value Village and it’s a for-profit company that exists in three different countries. They’re not much better than Goodwill, if at all.
…how do you measure a year in Trump’s life?
In golf games? In rubles? In lawsuits? In twitter postings?
In rallies, incitement… in terror, in strife?
What’s the Thai flag doing in the background?
Then shot himself in the foot handing it over.
“The radical left did it!!”
Are we putting it on the castoreum shelf or the one with the big lump of ambergris?
He is definitely losing supporters. I know a postal carrier in one of the worst red states and after both recent debates she’s been seeing longstanding trump flags and bumper stickers disappear from houses on her route.
If it’s an Anti-woke uniform I imagine it’ll have a vinyl window over the crotch so everyone can see that you’re going into the bathroom that matches your genitalia. And of course it’ll have a flame thrower so you can burn all the books. You’ll probably need the skin color chart from Family Guy; better add grey and green on there to identify the extra-terrestrial aliens. Don’t forget your shoes must have heels because all the best Anti-woke crusaders wear heels!
Hmm, what else…
Made out with a hot dog?? Oh my god, that was ONE TIME!
My rules are if you make a web you can stay, but all running spiders will be put outside. No bed, no hanging above the bed, no towels, never on my body without permission, and if you don’t let me catch you with my homemade spider trap (a little bell jar and paper coaster), I’ll inform the cat of your whereabouts.
You mean he’s angry-fucking sofas?
In Hawaii they’re called aloha shirts.
Don’t want you to get it on with nobody else but mycelium
Oh yeah, likely just the “eat” part.
This one!