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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • So Star Trek Online is an MMORPG and has been around for a several years now. In the game there’s a story, a convoluted one, but a story none the less.

    Now imagine every single thing that has ever happened in the entirety of Star Trek regardless of tv show, movie, timeline, multiverse, animated show, whatever. everything. think of everything that has ever had “Star Trek” in it’s title. got it? good. it’s in the game. and in the story.

    One aspect is the mirror universe which is a decent chunk of the story and it’s a good excuse to bring back old Star Trek actors whose characters might be dead. Like there’s A LOT of mirror universe stuff in the game.

    really at the end of the day Star Trek Online is essentially the multiverse nexus of all Star Trek.

  • The funny thing about apple is just how far they’ve moved away from Jobs’ “vision”.

    It was clearly evident when they released the Apple Pencil. Jobs hated Stylus’. one of the reasons he killed the newton, and a reason why the iphone/ipad never originally had one as he was quoted as saying “why would I need a stylus? I have 5 of them on my hand”

    I mean Apple is like a cult that worship a dead god who would burn current Apple to the ground and start over if he came back.

  • This is just like “what not to do in IT/dev/tech 101” right here. Every since I’ve been in the industry for literally decades at this point I was always told, even when in school, “Never test in production, never roll anything out to production on a Friday, if you’re unsure have someone senior code review” of which, Crowdstrike, failed to do all of the above. Even the most junior of junior devs should know better. So the fact that this update was allowed go through…I mean blame the juniors, the seniors, the PM’s, the CTO’s, everyone. If your shit is so critical that a couple bad lines of poorly written code (which apparently is what it was) can cripple the majority of the world…yeah crowdstrike is done.

  • couldn’t stand this show. It also pretty much spits on the prequels and regardless of people saying “thank god it’s a star was story outside of the skywalkter saga” uh no, it’s trying to shoe horn it’s way into that saga. This is a Skywalker Saga Prequel.

    in TPM when confronted with the possibility that the Sith have returned Ki-Adi-Mundi states that the sith have been extinct for over a millenium. Mace says it would be impossible for them to return without them knowing. and Yoda says nothing.

    Are we meant to believe that Vernestra told Yoda the same thing she told the Senate? “So my apprentice that I fucked up likely killed Sol and is probably a Sith but…yeah we’re not going to tell the Sentate that the Sith have returned cause the Sith Wars were pretty bad” Yoda: “Good Idea, that is”

    The Acolyte takes place 100 years before TPM. The Acolyte makes Yoda look like an absolute moron if indeed Vernestra tells him what’s going on. What else would she be telling him? Those twins? yeah they were a vergence in the force and Sol wanted to train them even though we know it’s a bad idea. 100 years later? “Ok Obi-Wan go ahead and train that vergence in the force because it’ll probably go better than it did 100 years ago…huh? this happened before you ask? uh…yeah…didn’t go well but I’m sure you’re more qualified than Sol”

    Like does no one see this? Either way you swing it, it makes the events of the prequels look like an absolute joke and shows that the Jedi are just a bunch of clowns running a clown school.

    The Acoylte is trying to be a Skywalker Saga Prequel and if you can’t see it then I don’t know what to tell you. The Twins are the beta version of Anakin. With the introduction of Darth Plagueis which we should have all seen coming a mile away and now Yoda being involved it’s just all so painfully obvious.

    It takes what happened in the Prequels with the downfall of the Jedi, the vergence in the force, the return of the Sith and says “yeah fuck all that, lets do the same thing and set it 100 years earlier” it’s unorignial garbage. It takes what happened with Anakin and pretty much says he isn’t special, this happened before with many of the same people involved.