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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • Maybe Nolan wanted to watch them do the thing? But…Probably to show how uncomfortable both Oppenheimer and his wife were in those moments, by making the audience uncomfortable as well.

    I’m pretty liberal about nudity and I’m not puritanical in my views at all, but I’m also not a fan of raunchy scenes in movies. Watching something like that alone or with my husband? Fine. Watching something like that with blood relatives or friends? Yeah. Not fine

  • For sure.

    I didnt really realize how different my family was from other people for a long time. I don’t know most of them well enough to know what the prevelance of neurodiversion is. It’s just too hard to say why each of them went where they did… but at least with my dad, his behaviours and mine are alike enough that I can guess I got my ADHD from him. He died a long while back so I can’t know for sure… but he was always all over the place. He even died in a different country on vacation!

  • Yup.

    To clarify I have ADHD, my dad definitely also had it, and my mother has neurodivergent signs as well. My whole family is scattered across the continents, though. My dad was a novelty seeker (as am I) but our reasons for leaving are due to a change in political climate (and the uncertainty that caused)

    My sister lives in the origin country, but all of her children have left, each one having gone to a different country (and not where I ended up)

    Third edit: one example of why I think my mother shows neurodivergent signs: she won’t eat salad in the winter. She thinks you’re not supposed to. (She grew up where leafy greens were not available during the winter time, but has internalized that as a rule even though she lives somewhere that lettuce is available year round)

  • I think that lil’ kick some of us get is what divides people with adhd into the successful and unsucessful groups. Both suck, both are not our faults, but I’m glad to be able to eventually get stuff done even if it feels like I’m shortening my lifespan

    I have a close friend who has inattentive adhd and he has a baaaaad time at life. He “lets” all the deadlines fly by and falls into depressions because of it. Got kicked out of school, ended up homeless for a while, finally recovered but then couldn’t deal with credit cards, managed to get on his feet again and find a woman who supported him, but then she dumped him because he forgot to get her from the hospital. He’s finally kind of ok, has a job and lives with his mom (at 40). I keep trying to get him to get back on meds but he says he can’t afford the visit. He can’t get through the paperwork for disability, either. He isn’t stupid, we have great in-depth conversations and he’s witty af. He just really… can’t

    I mention all that to illustrate what I mean by successful vs unsucessful. I’ve asked him if he gets the: ShitIHaveToDoThisAllRightNow! kick and he doesn’t. Task pressure just paralyzes him

  • Sometimes I need a break just turning on the computer. Or putting dishes in the dishwasher. Or moving the laundry from the drier to the bed.

    I’m a lot “better” at doing tasks than most people that I know with unmedicated adhd, but some days are just… nope, I showered and brushed my teeth so imma spend the rest of the day doing whatever random thing captures my attention for more than 5 minutes

    Usually need a few days like that in a week. I just let my brain off it’s leash until the anxiety and guilt kicks in and then I get everything done is a fury

  • rosymind@leminal.spacetoAutism@lemmy.worldSmart kid!
    7 months ago

    Consider that kids develop habits in childhood that will carry into adulthood. It benefits the kid to understand the basic rules of politeness. Otherwise, they might wonder why someone else got that promotion, even though they work just as hard. Or why that one co-worker won’t talk to them. Or why that girl/guy they were interested in suddenly isn’t interested in them anymore

    Being polite is a way of signaling that you are willing to follow certain social rules. This is important so that communication can happen. If I follow different rules than you do, it could result in conflict, confusion and misunderstanding

  • rosymind@leminal.spacetoAutism@lemmy.worldSmart kid!
    7 months ago

    I suspect my husband is autistic. He’s in his late 30’s and I’ve finally got him to understand why saying “please” and “thank you” is important, even if he isn’t feeling like saying it at the time. Sometimes he still doesn’t, but he does say it when he remembers to (unless he’s focused on something else in which case it’s “yes” “no” or silence if I ask if he would like something from the kitchen)

    I think it’s helped with his work relationships as well.

    I think you’re doing the right thing