Artist, Designer

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • This is what I’m thinking happened. I already said this in another comment but will expand here because this comments refers specifically to the EFI partition. Here’s the weird thing, 3 days ago, I had 2 SSDs:

    • 1 with 3 partitions of Windows, one EFI part., one recovery part, and the regular C: local where my files were.
    • On my secondary SSD, I had Fedora installed. If I’m correct, I had a /boot, and /home(?) don’t remember if anything else.

    I decided to do a clean install of Win11. When I did, I had both SSDs connected to my laptop, and when I finished the installation, this was how it was divided:

    • 1st SSD: one, full 2TB C: Local disk, with no partitions.
    • 2nd SSD: One EFI partition, one recovery partition, and one “empty” partition.

    It was highly confusing, because I thought I had Fedora there, my immediate thought was that Win11 just straight up ravaged both my SSDs and decided “fuck it, let’s install wherever the fuck I want” and it did. HOWEVER I could still get into Fedora and use it normally. Still had all the apps and programs I installed, everything was correct. So I assumed the drive still belonged to Fedora.

    When I installed EOS, I chose “Erase Disk” on the secondary SSD (the one with Fedora, the one that had this “EFI partition” that didn’t have before. I think when I erased that SSD, I erased the Windows EFI partition and couldn’t boot as a result. And that’s why the BIOS was not recognizing the OS, but at the same time I could just mount the SSD in EOS and just look t my files normally. So I think that’s what happened, but honestly I’m not even sure of how it happened.

  • I tried all orders, there were 2 Samsung SSDs (primary and secondary), and another one called “EFI” something… When I changed the order to SSD #1 it opened EndevourOS, when I changed to SSD #2 it said “checking media… failed”, and when I put the “EFI” as the first in the order, it just restarted and went again to EndevourOS. At the end, I had to do the easiest and fastest thing: start over.

    I think that when I installed Win11, it took part of my Fedora partition somehow, I’m not even sure if that’s what happened and if that is what actually happened I have no clue how it happened, but right before erasing my secondary SSD to install EOS, there was a mention of a Windows “EFI” partition there, even though I could still get into Fedora. So when I erased that, I think I erased something related to Windows that I shouldn’t have erased

  • This is what I think happened that I wrote on another comment:

    It’s weird, but I had Fedora installed on my secondary SSD. Apparently when I did a clean Windows install, it installed in the primary SSD but took a part of Fedora on the secondary SSD as a Windows EFI partition. Then, when I installed EOS I selected “erase the disk” for the secondary SSD. I think it erased that EFI partition and I couldn’t go back to windows, but since the primary SSD still had my files I could still see them. To be honest, something like that never happened before so I’m not even sure of what I’m saying.

    Tbh I’m not even sure if that’s what happened, I just didn’t find an easy solution apart from starting over.

  • I was using UEFI I think? I used Rufus to make the bootable flash drive and it just gave me either MBR or GPT, when I selected GPT it showed me the UEFI option to the right (iirc). I spent all day seeing these comments and at the end of the day I had to delete everything in my hard drives and start over again…

    It’s weird, but I had Fedora installed on my secondary SSD. Apparently when I did a clean Windows install, it installed in the primary SSD but took a part of Fedora on the secondary SSD as a Windows EFI partition. Then, when I installed EOS I selected “erase the disk” for the secondary SSD. I think it erased that EFI partition and I couldn’t go back to windows, but since the primary SSD still had my files I could still see them. To be honest, something like that never happened before so I’m not even sure of what I’m saying.

  • Yeah, I feel stupid, I’m sorry.

    So when I had Windows installed before, Windows was separated into 4 partitions, (not sure why), and then I installed Fedora on Disk1 (secondary SSD), and it looked to me (emphasis in “looked to me”) like it was only one whole partition.

    However, after doing a clean W11 install it showed up as a single partition (which I was not used to) and Disk1 separated into 3 partitions, and aside from that, my laptop was no longer giving me the option to boot into either W11 or Fedora, it was just going straight to W11. That’s where my confusion was from and since I already had installed everything I needed I didn’t want to lose the progress.

    I went to BIOS and it showed me that the boot menu was F12 (I didn’t know this before) and lo and behold, I am once again able to enter Fedora, it was just me being a noob and not knowing any better. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time! :(

  • Hijacking this comment thread to recommend SearXNG, it’s basically a decentralized search engine (if I understand correctly) and you can choose from where you want it to give you the results.

    You can choose to index searches from both major (like Google, Bing, DDG, etc) and minor search engines at the same time and it will just give you the most relevant results. Alternatively, you can choose what engines you don’t want results from as well.

    My experience with it has been great so far, I’ve just had minor issues when searching for something extremely specific and in those cases I use DDG or others, but most of the time the first 3 results are exactly what I’m looking for.

    I use the Disroot instance on SearXNG, but you can choose other instances or host your own. There is a dedicated website for choosing instances.