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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Never let is be asked: That Ukraine gave up it’s ultimate deterrent, nuclear weapons, in favor of having the guarantee of russia they will not bother Ukraine, that russia stole Crimea and Ukraine nor the west did not go full blown war over it.

    You are an idiot making excuses for the war mongers in russia. They rolled into a country without provocation but under the umbrella of broken promises and already stolen Ukraine land.

  • Forget the technical BS of this moron, lets focus on the gofundme nonsense.
    So I pay into this gofundme thing and that makes me partial owner of that bridge, just like the others who participated. In what fantasy world do you live if you think that bridge will not be blocked for all others who did not participate? Will the people out of the kindness of their hearts allow others to cross that bridge?
    If you believe that this bridge will not cause people to throw hissyfits and consider it private then I have a bridge to sell you 😂

  • The top brass at Boeing probably won’t be getting a lot of leisure time until then

    Why do you say this? What gives you the idea that they will face some form of workload pressure because of this?
    The only people not getting leisure time will be the persons responsible fixing this. The consequences for the top brass will be Golden Parachuting to the next job, losing stock or face devaluation of said stock.

    If you honestly think top brass is actually fixing this or face some form of heavy workload then you’d be wrong.

    PS: This is not a manifesto on the inequalities of the current system 😊
    It’s based on 40+ years of working where I have never seen top brass taking any form of responsibility or workload. They ‘connect’, ‘network’ and god knows what. All fair play if hired for that but please, do not confuse top management and actual work on products or being involved in fixing products. Also, never seen them ‘empower’ or ‘facilitate’ so others can work more efficiently or something like that.

    Ok, small personal manifesto after all 😇

  • You really do not give 1 shit about children do you? You keep telling people that this is what you get if you start a war. Did the children start that war? No. Then why keep bombing them?

    Even if Hitler himself hides under a hospital or school, you do not bomb that place. It really is that simple. The fact that you are a-ok with bombing children speaks volumes about your character.

    Surprise me with insights on why you think it is ok to bomb children and please do not involve hamas, terrorists or some form of anti-antisemitism. Keep focused on bombs on the heads of 5 year old, babies and justify that without involving adults that these children have zero control over.

  • If the admin of an instance A defederates instance B, all users on instance A will no longer see instance B.
    However, other instances (like for example instance C) will still see the comments/users from instance B.

    The user being able to block instance B will no longer see anything from that instance B but all other users on instance A will keep seeing all from instance B. It is a personal instance block after all

    This is how I understood the user instance blocking and it kinda aligns on how I think the fediverse works. But I could be wrong.

  • I understand what you do and what you mean with this post but it will be futile. Hexbear and lemmygrad are toxic instances where you cannot have a proper conversation with its users.

    I call it the 4chan style of discussing things. Make you answer a plethora of questions without them needing to answer your questions. The point is to pit you constantly on the back-foot. They count on your morals and decency to keep answering and defending your opinions where they will absolutely have no desire to do the same thing. The end goal is for you to become frustrated and give up. For you to become disheartened.

    I urge all instance owners to defederate from these shitholes, nothing of value will be lost.