• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Cutting the mining and refining of rare earth oxides, aka the production of rare earth metals. That’s what this conversation is about…

    Xinhua reports (Google translation) that the state will implement a unified plan for the development of the rare earth industry. The aim is to encourage and support the research and development of new technologies, processes, products, and new materials and equipment, it says.

    Regulations will be implemented to control the total amount of rare earth mining and smelting. Additionally, Beijing intends to introduce a product traceability system to “strictly manage circulation” of rare earths.

    According to Nikkei Asia, underground resources in China already belong to the state, but illegal mining and smelting of rare earth elements is known to happen in the private sector, and it seems that Beijing is keen to tighten its control over them.

    It’s in every article about this. The price of rare earth ore in China has dropped precipitously, almost 80% since 2022. China is going to punish unauthorized mining and smelting activity and limit production among authorized producers.

    Here’s one article, use your favorite search engine to find a bunch more

  • I’m pretty much with you on this one. A lot of these people sound like they have terrible boundaries with their children. I get OP’s in a difficult situation, but I don’t get why they’re complaining about spending $30 on pizza when they agreed to pay that before it was even delivered. I’m not saying OP should’ve been like “you will eat what I say or you will go without dinner,” but really, as a parent you can give your child realistic options that don’t require you hiding in the garage for a couple hours. Ham sandwiches don’t smell, lots of foods don’t smell. If they “refuse,” they’re still going to want to eat later when they’re hungrier, and you make the same food choices available.

    Also a large deep dish pizza from Jet’s is like $18, and it’s really hard to overstate how much more food and how much better their pizza is. Domino’s is clearly preying on people who don’t know any better or who don’t have any other options.

  • Based on what did you come to the conclusion I think this website is Russian propaganda? I’m talking about you, and what you said, that the “US invaded Ukraine first.” It doesn’t say that anywhere here.

    Of fucking course mineral wealth is part of this conversation. Putin the as explicitly stated as much, and there’s a reason he went after oil-rich portions of Ukraine first. Russia is trying to take Ukraine’s mineral wealth away from its people, while ethnically cleansing the land it has taken. This is not “western propaganda,” Russia has admitted to removing Ukrainian civilians involuntarily into Russia and taking their children from them to be raised by Russians.

    I’m attuned to the study of Chomsky, Bernays, et al, and try to get information from a variety of worldwide sources. Being discerning about western bias in our own news media doesn’t mean you should reflexively believe whatever comes out of Russia, bro.

  • I thought you said that he was not interested in taking Kyiv.

    No, he’s interested in taking Kyiv for the purpose of regime change. O.K.?

    As opposed to what?

    As opposed to permanently conquering Kyiv.

    It would be a Russian-friendly government that he would presumably have some say over, right?

    Yes, exactly. But it’s important to understand that it is fundamentally different from conquering and holding onto Kyiv. Do you understand what I’m saying?

    Lmao I don’t know what you think you’re proving by sharing an interview with this guy. This is literally one person’s opinion, and a weak one at that lol

  • Yeah buddy, the US invaded Ukraine in 2014 lmao

    I realize you’re going to try to come back at me with a bunch of “evidence” that the US worked with and supported the Maidan, but that’s all true. What’s also true is that the Ukrainian people are the ones who actually did the work there.

    When Russia invaded Ukraine in Feb 2022, it was Russians invading. Physically invading with tanks, infantry, and artillery. In the Maidan in 2014, the Ukrainian people revolted against their government after it abandoned efforts to align with Europe in favor of aligning with Russia. The Ukrainian people want to align with Europe and the West.

  • This is all your fault.

    And if Trump is elected, it will be your fault. Then you can have even more indiscriminate murdering of Palestinian civilians, plus the gutting of our entire federal government, the end of federal protections for workers, the environment, and protected classes, and a couple more Christian Nationalist Supreme Court justices to further erode your rights.

    This election is not like 2012, 2008, 2004, or 2000, when protest votes mattered and happened but both major party candidates respected the rule of law. Hell, I voted for Ralph Nader. This is not the same my friend. Donald Trump must be kept out of office.

  • I’m voting blue no matter who when the opponent is a Republican every damn time. I also don’t support the police actions against protesters, am against the US’s ongoing support for Israel, and want the genocide to stop. I’m still voting for Biden and every Democrat up and down my ballot in November. I’ve got another chance to vote for more progressive candidates when the next primary happens, but until then I’ve got a ton of progressive candidates in local races on my ballot this November and Biden being in the White House is better in literally every way than Trump being there.