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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • To offer a differing opinion, why is null helpful at all?

    If you have data that may be empty, it’s better to explicitly represent that possibility with an Optional<T> generic type. This makes the API more clear, and if implicit null isn’t allowed by the language, prevents someone from passing null where a value is expected.

    Or if it’s uninitialized, the data can be stored as Partial<T>, where all the fields are Optional<U>. If the type system was nominal, it would ensure that the uninitialized or partially-initialized type can’t be accidentally used where T is expected since Partial<T> != T. When the object is finally ready, have a function to convert it from Partial<T> into T.

  • The problem is that they’re trying to frame it as a better replacement for sudo when it’s really not.

    In some respects, it’s safer by not using a setuid binary. In other respects, it massively increases the surface area by relying on the correctness of three separate daemons: systemd, dbus, and polkitd. If any one of those components are misconfigured, you risk an unauthorized user gaining root privileges.

    With sudo, the main concern is the sudo process being exploited through memory safety bugs since it runs at root automatically.

    Don’t get me wrong, sudo has a lot of stupid decisions and problems. There’s a ton of code in sudo for features that almost nobody uses, and there’s bound to be bugs in there somewhere. It needs to be replaced with something simpler, but run0 is not that.

  • They do, but then go on to contradict themselves:

    On a platform level, we believe GTK should stop forcing a single stylesheet on all apps by default. Instead of apps having to opt out of this by hardcoding a stylesheet, they should use the platform stylesheet unless they opt in to something else. We realize this is a complicated issue, but assuming every app works with every stylesheet is a bad default.

    Emphasis theirs. They are explicitly saying that their belief is for applications to use the [original GNOME] platform stylesheet by default, and making the ability to reskin an application opt-in by the application [developer]. I agree that a one size fits all stylesheet is bad, but the solution should be to provide more granular selectors at the toolkit level to allow themes to fix what they break, not force defaults onto everyone.

  • Also, with Rust, if you’re optimizing for performance and not legibility, it’s actually pretty important to not prematurely optimize. Its type system gives the compiler a lot of information to work with, and it does a really good job finding places where code can be optimized.

    What might make sense in some languages, such as trying to cache small strings instead of recomputing them, can actually hurt performance by preventing the compiler from using certain optimizations.

  • The fact that https://stopthemingmy.app/ isn’t a joke…

    App Icons are the identity of an app. Changing an app’s icon denies the developer the possibility to control their brand.

    FOSS is built around the principle of software being free, as in freedom. If you want to restrict how a user interacts with your software for the sake of a corporate identity, fuck right off and go to an Apple platform. We won’t miss you.

    Appstream Screenshots (the screenshots used in GNOME Software or Flathub) are not very useful if they look nothing like the real app does once you install it.

    Oh no, how tragic. Your application doesn’t look like your screenshots when running on my customized system. You know what would be more tragic? Your application sticking out like a sore thumb.

    User Help and Documentation are similarly useless if UI elements on your system are different from the ones described in the documentation.

    I’m really struggling to understand their perspective here. Is their documentation really that bad, to the point where it would be impossible to follow if the background color is wrong or if the buttons look like slightly-different buttons?

    The only reasonable complaints they had are with broken styling or icon sets replacing icons in a way that changes their meaning. The rest of this is just straight up stupid.

  • Look at Mac or Windows users.

    Mac, maybe. Windows? No. Not by a long shot. I have the pleasure of using Windows 11 for work, and it’s just as bad as the fragmentation between Linux applications using GTK vs those using Qt—except it’s all made by one single corporation.

    Microsoft just can’t commit to a design language. You have modernized applications made with WinSDK using WinUI, and then you have the “classic” applications made with the Win32 API. And, their designs could not be more diametrically opposed. WinUI applications are crammed full of blank space and animations, whereas Win32 applications look like “and the kitchen sink” Windows XP programs with a coat of paint slapped on top. You have system legacy applications that came straight out of Windows NT and use the same L&F since Windows 8, full of stacking popup models and design decisions made to work around limitations, you have a couple of “modern” applications that use the “my first time making a Flash game” Metro design language of Windows 8, a few more applications that use squared-edge and small border design from Windows 10, and then, finally, the Windows 11 design.

    That’s four entire generations of designs crammed into a single operating system, and unless you only use it to browse the web, you are going to see all of them at some point. Fuck, the modern Settings application still opens the control panel for some things.

    And again, that is just Microsoft’s programs. How about third-party software? You have some programs still using Win32 because they’re built on the bones of your ancestors, other programs using Win32 because WinUI 3 only has official support for C++ or C#, some programs in Qt for cross-platform support, even more programs using Electron because it’s more cost-effective to churn out HTML that looks like Windows than to maintain multiple frontends, and even programs that use Unity or Unreal Engine as a goddamn GUI toolkit.

    Seriously, fuck that. Linux might be mostly split across two GUI frameworks and proprietary pity-offerings that only exist because the company was already using Electron, but at least it’s consistent within them.