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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You could accomplish what you’re trying by putting the GPU in a second computer. Further, most UPSes have a data interface, so that you could have the GPU computer plugged into the UPS too, but receive the signal when power is out, so it can save its work and shutdown quickly preserving power in the UPS batteries. The only concern there would be the max current output of the UPS in the event of a power outage being able to power both computers for a short time.

  • Well, my mother has asked me to digitize her collection too and have me host it. Originally, fine, you give your movies to me, I host them, same thing.

    Did your mom buy your computer and hard drives? I doubt it. You spent your own money, right? So she’s giving you a whole bunch of stuff which is consuming your space. Quote out the cost of buying components for a separate server for her with her own drives. When she buys the parts, build her her own server and put her stuff on it.

  • but isn’t it weird to specifically leave someone out of an activity? Especially when we have been friends for so long?

    Not particularly no. None of us are not entitled to every aspect of the lives of our friends. We’re allowed to have what they give us in a relationship. That also means we’re allowed to have parts of our own lives we don’t want to share with others.

  • This hurt my feelings! Why wouldn’t he invite me to play with the group? I’m not friends with Marco and Anthony


    He has always had a thing about not introducing his friends to his other friends due to anxiety,

    I’m not certain, but I think you answered you own question. He wanted to play with his other friends casually. Whether they have inside jokes, rough humor, shared political views, perhaps very deep emotional conversations they don’t share with folks they don’t know, there could be many reasons. He’s made it clear he doesn’t like mixing friend groups. Why do you want to cross his stated comfort boundary?

    You mentioned you play this game ranked, so he also knows you’re a serious player, while he’s just started playing 2 weeks ago and is very casual. Perhaps he’s concerned you’re too far above him and doesn’t want to be carried or make mistakes in the game in front of you.

    Instead of trying to insert yourself into his other friend group, you could try to establish a rapport with him in game first. Find a way to play the game where you two are on on equal footing, perhaps a character or class you’ve never played that you find difficult or something. Make it know to him that you’re interested in this de-powered experience and that you’re not trying to accomplish anything with the game play but have casual fun. You can draw the distinction out too “yeah I play ranked, but that comes with its own headaches. Sometimes I just want to play casual and playing character X that I’ve never played will probably get that for me. You interested?”

  • Since we were still at the other house where his drunk uncle lived, he started to give me “affection” in hurtful ways, started with tickles, that at first were ok, but later the tickles became a form of punishment,


    Then the biting started, it also started as something cute, but then he started biting me harder and harder, and then started to do it as another way of punishment.

    Healthy relationship do NOT contain forms of physical painful punishment.

    I kinda feel trap because I still love him and don’t want him to be depressed and die, but I’m not sure I can stay here

    This is by design from him. Its emotional blackmail. You are NOT responsible for his actions, only your own. Don’t let him convince you otherwise.

    He started crying, got very emotional, and finally agreed to go to psychology.

    I think it would be a very good idea for you to go by yourself first. There are some very important things you should hear from a professional about their assessment of your current state and guidance for what to do next. Do this very soon.

  • Why are all gym memberships like this? The first thing I check before starting a service is how easy it is to end it. I’ve not been able to find a single gym with reasonable terms.

    I do the same. So many gyms have abusive terms which is an immediate deal breaker for me.

    There are handful I’ve found that aren’t bad offering true month-to-month service. Give notice by phone or email by X day of the month and your membership ends at the end of that month. Miss that date? You only have one more month beyond that then.

    For years Planet Fitness had a good deal they’d only run for a couple of days a year where you could prepay for the entire year for $99 (or later $120). You didn’t give them your bank info, no “credit card on file”. You could literally hand them the cash and 365 days from that day your membership would expire with zero action on our part. That was the best membership deal I’ve seen yet. I don’t know if they still do that.

    In the meantime, one could always pay with a prepaid card and then just never add funds when you decide to quit. Then just “return to sender” any mail they try to send you.

    If you’re using your real name I would imagine they’d send the debt to collections which would cost you even more when your credit score tanks and you try to buy a car or house.

  • I think you’re making my points.

    • At the track, every measure can be taken to improve performance
    • In your daily driver, you don’t go through all options necessary to maximize performance because its not worth it

    In both cases a slower, less efficient and lower performance, manual gearbox is the wrong rational choice.

    This doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t have the choice for their hobby. There are lots of hobbies where the point is to be less efficient/performant as a callback to a bygone era. There are those that still take joy in hooking up a team of horses to pull a wagon. There are woodworkers that eschew any power tools to experience the joy of creation in the era before power tools. Drivers that want to use old cumbersome methods to re-create what was needed for performance driving in the old era will be no different.

    I support you in your hobby of driving in classic ways as a callback to old technology.

  • But there’s a lot of enthusiasts who want an ICE because of how the driving experience is.

    Lets examine this idea for a moment. Things like traction control, ABS brakes, and even to an extend air bags change the nature of what the driving experience is. Each of these technologies removes human control from a system and replaces it with something automated. Yet few drivers disable these things to retain the original “driving experience”. Why are these things, which bring improvements to the car’s performance, accepted, but the idea of having to mess with a less efficient gearbox isn’t?

  • The sport bike and sport car check boxes for performing well, but the baby bike and shitty mini truck are a blast to row through the gears on in double-digit speeds and half the gas. For all intents and purposes I’m pretending those two are race vehicles while being far from it with their US-highway shortcomings.

    But there’s purpose to moving through the gears on the baby bike and shitty mini truck: You’re extracting the most performance from the hardware.

    Imagine for a moment you could still do that on those vehicles but that the performance would be worse if you do. Would you still do it?