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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • The thing is in this case, it’s only human suffering. People don’t actually work nonstop all week. Giving them fewer hours over four days means they’re more productive for those days because they’re not dragging out their work to fill the arbitrary 40 hours they have to work for. So companies pay workers the same, but can save money in amenities and office space or whatever by using it less AND have more productive workers. Longer work weeks don’t actually make companies more money (oversimplifying and speaking broadly).

  • I imagine the largest mobile phone operating system on the planet has a few more downloads than one of the several available package managers for the comparatively very small desktop Linux audience, yeah. This is the Linux community, not the Android or Google community, so I’m not sure what you’re yapping away about or why.

    edit: i wanted to know how many devices run android and according to this it’s three billion so you’re wrong anyway lmao

  • paris@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoLinux@lemmy.mlDeduplication tool
    10 days ago

    I was using Radarr/Sonarr to download files via qBittorrent and then hardlink them to an organized directory for Jellyfin, but I set up my container volume mappings incorrectly and it was only copying the files over, not hardlinking them. When I realized this, I fixed the volume mappings and ended up using fclones to deduplicate the existing files and it was amazing. It did exactly what I needed it to and it did it fast. Highly recommend fclones.

    I’ve used it on Windows as well, but I’ve had much more trouble there since I like to write the output to a file first to double check it before catting the information back into fclones to actually deduplicate the files it found. I think running everything as admin works but I don’t remember.

  • Radar and Sonarr are tools to track movies and TV shows respectively. You can add a movie/show to track, tell it the quality you want it in, and set up Prowlarr or Jackett to give Son/Radarr the access to the torrent trackers it needs. You can also use Usenet but I have no experience there.

    It will search those torrent trackers for releases matching your movies/shows in the quality and language you set for them and send the downloads to the torrent client you set up. When the client finishes downloading, Son/Radarr copies (or hardlinks) the files to your library folders.

    If Son/Radarr is tracking a show that you currently have downloaded in 480p, but the quality profile allows upgrades up to 1080p, it will search for 720p and 1080p releases and pick the best match it can find. When the torrent client finishes downloading it, Son/Radarr will automatically replace the 480p release with the 1080p release it just downloaded.

  • I was curious about this too since I don’t use large playlists, so I added all 3800 songs in my library to a playlist to see how Jellyfin handles that. Regarding the desktop apps, you can definitely feel the UI get sluggish. Playback seems fine though.

    Jellyfin Media Player struggles to handle that many items on one page at a time and playlists don’t support pagination, so opening this playlist takes five or so seconds (sometimes more). When adding a song to queue from a playlist, it queues the whole playlist and moves you to the song in the queue you wanted to play. If you shuffle, the song you pick will be the first in queue as expected. While the UI feels less responsive at first, jumping around the queue or song feels normal. Playback feels responsive to me. I did have trouble shuffling the playlist from the playlist tile without opening the playlist’s page first. Not sure what that was about.

    Feishin is similar in loading times, but the UI is more responsive with large lists. When jumping around a playlist, clicking another song in the queue still loads immediately, but clicking another song from the playlist page seems to create a new queue (even when not shuffling) and takes several seconds to load. I didn’t think to test this on Jellyfin Media Player before I deleted the playlist, so this might be the case there too. This extra loading time when changing songs from the playlist’s page is inconsistent though and seems to work as expected if you’re jumping around a lot (might be a caching thing?).

    Basically it takes a few seconds to load the playlist’s page and another several seconds to load the initial queue, but otherwise playback seems to work well for me. Again, this is with 3800 songs; your mileage may vary, etc.

    Regarding mobile: Symfonium does not (as far as I can tell) automatically pick up Jellyfin’s playlists, so I have to manually import them from the app. This is just a click or two and you can import all your playlists at once. If you want to listen to music on both desktop and your phone and you make changes to the playlist, you’ll have to push Symfonium’s local version of the playlist to Jellyfin or replace Symfonium’s local version with the remote version from Jellyfin. They don’t automatically update between each other. Changes to the playlist cover do not seem to sync with those changes, so you’ll have to click an extra couple buttons to update that too.

    Symfonium’s UI is the most responsive and loading the initial queue is immediate, but you still have to load the media from Jellyfin so it doesn’t play instantly. If you have the music cached locally through Symfonium, it probably loads quicker.

    Overall, you’ll feel when a playlist has 3800 songs in it if you use the web player or Feishin, but Symfonium plays things handily. Syncing playlists is a little more involved with Symfonium, but overall it seems that (very) large playlists are usable with Jellyfin even if they make the UI sluggish at times and take a few seconds to queue up. Hope this helps!