onoira [they/them]

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • at which point your profit becomes linked to the degree to which you provide the functionality

    except when the commodity is a basic necessity and there’s no alternatives. ‘the market’ can’t really ‘vote with their wallet’ on the cost and quality of shelter, particularly when price fixing is rampant.

    sidenote: ‘voting with your wallet’ implies people with more money than you should have more say in what’s ‘more valuable’, because the rich can always outbid you, and homo economicus is only a thought experiment. (see: foreign real estate investment, conspicuous consumption…)

  • being trans and having auDHD with a childhood passion for natural philosophy inoculated me against heteronormative brainworms and their cousins: capitalist, workist, Protestant-work-ethic bullshit.

    being mobbed, assaulted and abused because of this — by parents, siblings, peers, teachers and strangers — is what taught me to hate.

    losing friends to war, suicide, and honour killings is what taught me hopelessness.

    watching my parents work 90 hour weeks and still struggle to pay the bills showed me the contradictions.

    being abandoned and homeless as a teenager when i started fighting back is what radicalised me.

    Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman, Luxemburg, Beer, Stallman, Graeber, Swartz and Serafinski taught me why i’m angry, and taught me how to imagine again.

    the fight against triple oppression is what keeps me going.