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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • nyctre@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlthe debt
    25 days ago

    Denmark has not introduced the euro, following a rejection by referendum in 2000, but the Danish krone is pegged closely to the euro (with the rate 7.46038±2.25%) in ERM II, the EU’s exchange rate mechanism.

    So if euro gets stronger, so does the krone. If euro drops, so does the krone.

  • nyctre@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzMaths
    1 month ago

    There’s usually a long explanation for these types of things which most of the time boils down to “because that’s how people have been saying it and it’s become the norm.”

    Many linguistical mistakes have been overused to the point of them changing their meaning. Take “decimation”. It used to mean to kill 1 in every 10. Because it sounds cool and has been used in a lot of media, it now mainly means to kill or destroy a large part of something.

  • Ok, sure.

    "Suicide isn’t “awesome,” and “good on her for sticking it out” in the context of suicide would pass as ironic edgelord humor 20 years ago on 4chan.

    It’s terrifying that the exact same action, when done in a way that’s “clean” and legal makes people say things like that that presumably nobody would say otherwise. Setting up a legal pathway for suicide doesn’t change what it is."

    Yeah, the admitting it’s suicide is the only thing you have an issue with. Nah, you have an issue with all of it, you just wanna argue your way around it. Anyway, have a nice day.

  • The thing with suicide is that there’s always at least a second person. If you do it the assisted way, you do it with people trained and willing to do it to help you. If you do it the old fashioned way, you traumatize the person that ends up finding you in whichever place you decided to do it. And then there’s an ambulance or some other service that comes to pick up the body, etc.

    Assisted suicide is better for everyone involved. There’s no question about it. As others have said. There’s no reason why we see euthanasia as humane but not assisted suicide. It’s the same. Even more humane because the human can consent, the pet can’t.

  • Psyop is a big word. Overblown, maybe, but definitely not a psyop. Just because there’s no evidence that they’re getting murdered doesn’t mean what’s happening is ok.

    People are more likely just uniformed, like the vast majority of people everywhere. And it’s easy to distrust america when they’re all over the news with their fucked up stuff. And despite all that they’re still above 50% with russia and china not much higher, so… Whatever.

  • Maybe I misunderstood but how is it Biden continuing doing it when they’re actively trying to improve the situation but congress is blocking change and even when they sued Texas and the supreme court ordered them to take down the fences they still put up more because of the gop scum governor? If after all that you still think it’s all Biden’s fault then whatever, one of us is wrong, neither will admit it, but at least those that read the comments can make up their own minds. Have a nice day.

  • “The Supreme Court ordered Abbott to let Border Patrol remove the razor wire barriers. Instead—acting in defiance of the president, the Supreme Court, and federal authorities—Abbott installed more.” … Then some stuff about congress blocking decisions… dunno… Doesn’t sound like it’s all on Biden. Especially since, like most of the stuff that people are complaining about, it stated with Trump. And it’s been getting better just not fast enough. Which, again, not saying Biden is doing his best, but it doesn’t sound like it’s all his fault, does it?