Not good enough. You should really be inspecting your CPU with a microscope.
Not good enough. You should really be inspecting your CPU with a microscope.
I think you can also report it to Google. Enough reports, and their email will automatically be flagged as spam. You can write them a nice email explaining how their absence of an unsubscribe button will ultimately hurt them when Gmail cuts them off from its users.
I’ve spend a lot of hours on this. I’m at the point where I mainly need to know at least a few people will use this. Then some feedback from those people. But if I get those, I’m happy to keep working on the project!
I will need to have better handling of both error and loading states. Thanks for letting me know about this issue!
Try upvoting or clicking login, and it will prompt you to change your instance. Unless the 503 errors are crashing the page
Yo chat, we’re cooked
I spent a lot of time early in my career working on some UI component libraries that I ultimately deemed a failure. However, I learned a lot from that. I’ve found that as I’ve settled into a more senior dev role, it’s become harder for me to experiment.
What I’m trying to say is that best case, you come up with something cool, and worst case, you learn from your mistakes and apply what you learned to the next project!
Wait, you’re telling me he was not the chief engineer of space x whole simultaneously being the world champion at a video game?