



  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • No matter how you slice it, there’s a gap between how the economy is doing and how Americans feel about it.

    Why do they keep insisting that we are the ones that are wrong? The economy isn’t their numbers. The economy is a real thing, proper operation of which ensures well fed people.

    The purpose of an economy is to fond optimal distribution of resources for people. Ultimately it’s people that need all the things, right? Either things are materials to produce things for people, or products useful to help other products reach people.

    If the people think that’s not working, it isn’t working. They’re not just parroting what they see on the news, they’re living day by day, minute by minute in this environment. They see what day to day life costs for them. They’re wrong but the eggheads tracking the over fitted model are right? When a measure becomes a goal it ceases to be a good measure, that’s where the disconnect is. If you want to fix the economy then quit pretending your metrics are more important than people’s standard of living.

  • Dude that entire Wikipedia article is a wild ride. It has got to be one of the most bizarre Wikipedia articles I have ever read. I remember reading it a while back and thinking, wow, some guy that knows about this stuff inside and out just wrote an article about how to develop a nuke. It’s a walkthrough on building out a nuclear program. The level of detail in it is astonishing. I’m very happy to live in a world where I can just access whatever information I want.