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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • This week has been a bit of UFO 50 and Terra Memoria.

    UFO 50 hasn’t hooked me with a single specific game yet, but the entire package together is incredibly compelling and fun. It’s just neat to hop in, play half an hour of a game that makes me think back to playing on my dad’s NES, and then put it down for something else, much like how I played when I was 5 or 6.

    I’m still very early on in Terra Memoria, but I think it’s pretty neat! I like the combat system as they’ve introduced it so far, and it looks like there will be a lot of depth and choices to make in combat or team-building (maybe). Something about turn-based RPGs feel perfectly suited for the Deck.

  • As others have said, the Actions menu has a shortcut to saved posts, whether you make it part of your bottom bar or Floating Action Button.

    Another neat trick is that long-pressing the Action menu will automatically shortcut to whatever the first action listed is. So if you rearrange it so that Saved posts is the first action, your saved posts will always be 1 long-press away!

  • Ticket to Ride unfortunately did nothing for me.

    My friends and I had been playing mostly Catan for about 5 years before we tried Ticket to Ride. It just didn’t feel very strategic, but maybe that’s because it was our first time playing. It felt like the cards you were dealt basically determined whether or not you would win, and “blocking” someone else didn’t feel like it was truly worth the effort. Years later, my CS and EE professor would say how it was a fun game because of how it actually resembled some problems in networking, but I just never grasped that level of depth.

  • The few times I’ve played it (with my admittedly competitive group), we’ve always gone through the entire deck. If a group of 4 isn’t getting through the deck, it means people aren’t calling card draw/card selection enough, and may be plopping down suboptimal cards just to use what they have.

    I would also recommend Wingspan, but it’s not the same style of game. Everdell felt a lot like Agricola, but less punishing and more fair about card availability and variance.

  • I’m still a pretty new player, but I’m fairly certain that in my group’s second combat encounter, our DM saw that we were going to struggle, so a few rounds before he thought we’d die, he started hinting that people on the street were hearing us. He didn’t play around with his rolls at all, which meant us getting hit by some very powerful (even permanently crippling) critical hits, and some of us rolling awfully on his critical miss table. As we started to go down, one by one, the door was getting battered, and when the crew was down to 1 member alive, the city guard arrived and intervened, scaring the remaining mobs and healing up the three of us on the floor.

    To me, it meant that he cared about the dice rolls and wanted consequences and actions to feel real, but also he didn’t want our journey to end on the first night. But he didn’t make the entire encounter feel like a victory, and our characters had to deal with the repercussions of that encounter.

  • I’m still new to DnD, but after a few quick experiences, I think playing in-person has some benefits, especially for newcomers. It’s hard to get going with an online group when people have different levels of investment and commitment to the timeslot, and I’ve found online groups fall apart more easily than IRL groups. As a newcomer, my first “group” fell apart after 3 sessions, and I never really got a good feel for how the game went. It took my cousins and their friends inviting me for an IRL game to really get into it and enjoy it.

    If you’re really looking at online, there are various Discord servers that will run games on roll20 and whatnot. I also just saw an ad for startplaying.games earlier, which apparently has paid games.

    As for tools, it’s really up to you. Some people like using the physical books, others enjoy the way the information flows in something like DnDBeyond or Roll20’s compendiums.