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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’ve been interested in getting into cybersecurity. so far I’ve completed an IT support and Data analytics professional certificate programs along with about 10 other classes on Coursera. I’m currently about halfway through the cybersecurity certificate program. I plan to complete an intermediate program that focuses on networking as well. a goal I have this year is to get my Security+ cert. additionally, I think I can get a couple certifications from Microsoft Learn as they are less expensive. I’ve been dabbling with the lessons on Hack the Box and Try Hack Me too. I’m interested in getting experience with AWS, Azure, and GCP. I’m not sure if that would be too much though. I’m very limited financially and live in a rural area, so my options are limited.

    my question is: what could I do different to aquire the skills & experience needed for employment?

  • “The bill would also gradually raise and then eliminate subminimum wages for tipped workers, workers with disabilities, and youth workers, so that all workers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) would be at the same wage level.” wait a minute, employers will have to pay servers a “decent” wage?! Time is our most precious resource, and pay should reflect that.

  • great review! I was skeptical at first when I began watching lower decks. IMO it’s funny, sometimes. (actually I had to give it another chance) I did end up watching all of the episodes though. SNW is pretty good too. this episode really surprised me. oftentimes I’ll just hit play and mess around on my phone. this time I watched the whole thing. I really enjoyed the references to other characters and humor that played out. I’d have to say it’s probably one of my favorite SNW episodes now.

  • here’s what I got from the article, “this isn’t about policy. What these “centrists” really want is for Joe Biden to “own the libs” because in their minds that is the only way you can truly demonstrate your commitment to bringing people together and achieving unity.” I translate “commitment to bringing people together and achieving unity.” to mean just doing what the corporate donors command. IIRC, a large portion of the population supports progressive policies, such as universal healthcare, education, and campaign finance reform.