• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • i frequented r/menslib and it was actually fairly leftist and clear about the ways that traditional concepts of patriarchy often disadvantages men and encourages inclusivity and talking about mental health. it certainly takes more intentionality, but i think they do it pretty well.

  • yup exactly!! there seem to be a lot of ways that this information is being oversimplified in misleading ways, especially given how opaque and complicated the college admissions systems already seems in its acceptance factors.

    my other thought about all this is that all these talks about class- or race-conscious admissions at the top tier schools are a bit of a red herring… realistically the impact of these policies from a social mobility perspective is going to be much bigger from mid tier/more publicly accessible schools (eg: state schools).

  • if you take a step back: do you… like what you’re studying or working on? i’m not saying that you have to love it, but if you’re having a hard time self-motivating on a particular subject, you might just not like it very much. i personally always figured programming was something i’d like and be good at given my specific spicy brain but turns out it wasn’t, so i pivoted into programming adjacent spaces (like the other poster mentioned) instead. i think i dropped out of like two different boot camps before i figured that… well, i just didn’t like it, it it didn’t motivate me, and it wasn’t for me.

    often, these programming-adjacent spaces (eg: cybersecurity, system administration, integration management, salesforce admin) have problem solving with more fixed parameters than programming - like looking at a word problem instead of a blank page - and could work better for you.

  • poly bridge 3! very chill but still stimulating game where you get a variety of maps and scenarios to build bridges in. i did have to watch two hours of bridge building tutorials because my knowledge of physics is abysmal but if you passed a physics course in high school i doubt it’s nearly as challenging.

  • there are two main types of sunscreens, chemical and mineral sunscreens. mineral sunscreens tend to feel less absorbent and will leave you with a white cast, while chemical sunscreens absorb more easily and do not use a white cast as they have different ingredients. they also tend to have very little fragrance. this seems more in line with what you’re looking for from a sunscreen. here is the chemical sunscreen i use - i just buy a huge tub of it so i never run out (and because the big bottle price is actually quite reasonable) and can use it lots without feeling bad and it’s never bothered my sensitive nose or left a white cast no matter how much i sweat! it’s also spf 50 so fairly strong.

  • yup! i’m still off of it because i can’t figure out whether or not the blackout is over and i wanna be supportive but i have definitely missed complaining about hyperspecific pregnancy symptoms on reddit this week haha. i have the same thing where none of my offline friends are having kids yet (if ever) so an online community is sooo helpful!

  • i’m mourning it a bit, but to be honest i think it’s going to be a bit difficult for me to get off for a while until other places (aside from facebook, which i’d much prefer to avoid over the current iteration of reddit) have the same amount of niche communities. for example, i’m in a private pregnancy subreddit with other people with my same due date and it’s reallllly useful in comparing notes and feeling like i’m not going insane at any given symptom and i think it’ll take a while for a place like lemmy to have an audience big enough to build niche communities like that.