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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • My Oma was in the Netherlands in the 1930s. Her family sheltered part of a jewish family(the elderly mother who was too sick to escape to North America, and one of her sons, a lawyer, who stayed behind to care for her.) This was before the invasion and the start of the war.

    At the time, late 1930s, she said that everyone knew something bad was happening to the Jewish people the Nazis rounded up, but not what.

    After more than a year of occupation, they were turned in by a neighbor for extra rations because none of her family needed daily visits from a doctor. The Nazis took the two Jewish people and her Dad into a camp.

    A local factory owner, some months on, tried to have everyone from the area released in return for his compliance in letting them use his factory output. Her dad was among those released, but they refused to release any Jewish prisoners. Her parents then immediately joined the resistance and helped it out until the end of the war. The factory owner allegedly ensured that the output to the Nazis was changed to be only subtly defective units, pipe walls too thin, cooled too quickly etc.

  • Spinosaurus and Baryonyx.

    Because so many people recognize the former, but we know so very little about that entire family of dinosaurs, and currently it might be one of the easier ways to get paleontologists to argue amongst each other.

    For example: the graphic in the post shows Spinosaurus standing on two legs. It was probably mostly quadrapedal, standing on all fours.

    It has a huge, paddle like tail, but apparently didnt have the muscles to use it like a croc or gator does.

    The entire family has denser bones suggesting an aquatic life, but most of the spinosaurids have those huge back spines which dont seem to serve a known purpose and the spinal bones have room for air sacs which runs counter to the whole aquatic thing.

    So to sum up, we have a heavily built, seemingly aquactic crocodile like dinosaur with teeth and jaws built for active hunting. But wouldnt be that fast on land (heavy bones and giant spines) and cant swim like a croc or gator(no muscles for that.) And it doesn’t have a long neck like a heron or pleisiosaur.

    Best of all, the most complete skeleton of spinosaurus was destroyed in WW2, so we don’t even have that to work from.