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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • With a hash it’s difficult to find a combination that results in this specific hashed password. Think of it like this: you have a biiig prime number and you multiply it by another. Now, that’s easy, but it’s way harder to do it backwards - factorize a large composite number (this is just for illustration). Similarly trying to find a password that works when you input it based on the hashed one is way more difficult than hashing the password in the first place.

  • Is this true? This article seems to disagree, if anyone knows more about this topic I’d love to hear it.

    Is murder legal in international waters?

    Put simply; no, murder is not legal in international waters. You can not kill someone in international waters and claim immunity from the laws of the land. Despite international waters appearing as if it is some anarchic place where criminal elements go to do their dirty job, such as slavery, murder, illegal experiments and even, possibly, drug manufacturing, you must comply with the law of the country where your boat is registered.

    If you want to do business in international maritime operations, your ship must be registered in accordance to the international law. They state that your ship must carry a flag of the country where it is registered. And, quite simply, while you are in the international waters you must comply with the law of the country whose flag you are flying. It means that what is illegal in Panama, is illegal in a ship flying Panama’s flag. By the way, it is estimated that around 40 % of the ocean-going commercial ships are registered in Panama, Marshal Islands and Liberia – it is a way for ship operators to pay smaller taxes and salaries to workers.

    source - Can you really commit crimes in the international waters and get away with it?

    Was he flying as flag of a different country with looser regulations?

  • Lesson for the future: stop using crappy illegible fonts in a code editor, and use something nice like Fira Code or even Fira Mono or Sans if you don’t like ligatures.

    Edit: In the middle of writing this I realized it was a confusion between “1” and “l”, which makes the font choice even more bizarre. What kinda garbage font doesn’t distinguish between the two? I could understand if it was capital “i” and lowercase “l” since they look extremely similar in most sans serif fonts, but “1” and “l”?

    Also it takes like 10 seconds to change the name of a variable across the whole file with a modern code editor like VSCode or an IDE for the specific language you were working with. If they were confusing you, you could have just changed “reclst” into “last_record” and that would save you a day of work.

  • This is coming from personal experience/opinion, but after trying to create a simple app in GTK4 Rust bindings I was so confused because of how alien the programming style was compared to typical Rust programming. After trying Iced it was much simpler and made so much more sense, no silly decorators or anything, you can define the view and the update loop separately, and interactions are handled by messages using pattern matching. The inheritance based OOP doesn’t work well with Rust, and Iced has none of it, because it was made for Rust specifically.

    I’m guessing QT bindings are similarly in a different style of programming and can’t imagine that meshing well with native Rust code. Iced has a lot of merits to it and having the opportunity to both help it develop and use a native Rust framework in a Rust project makes a lot of sense.