That depends on the state but at least in my state it requires a court order for both situations.
That depends on the state but at least in my state it requires a court order for both situations.
“Mrs. [Husbands firstname lastname]” is a pretty dated form of address. I feel like I don’t see that a lot anymore. Except in very formal situations and from people who don’t realize it’s out of style. It’s also seems to have become more acceptable to refer to all women as “Miss/Ms.” Regardless of her martial status. I sincerely doubt the address mistake was meant to be offensive.
One thing I do find infuriating is the fact that it in numerous states in the US, it is much harder for a man to take his wife’s last name when getting married than the other way around. A woman can mail a form and a copy of her marriage license to the Social Security Administration and get the DMV to reissue her driver’s license. That’s all it takes.
A man often has to get a court order which I think is very discriminatory.
It’s a hammer and It’s always on top of the ladder I’m about to move.
Before getting diagnosed I would routinely drink at least a pot (maybe two) of coffee throughout the day to stay motivated and probably three mixed drinks at the minimum after dinner to slow down the “inner restlessness.”
Not a healthy lifestyle at all.
“He only has a brain the size of a walnut.”
If ISP’s are liable for piracy, so are power utilities.
I would not want to see things like this done to the overwhelming majority of living things. But mosquitoes, I say let them starve.
That looks like more like an Asian Beetle than a typical Lady Bug. Those bastards will crawl into any crack or crevice they can squeeze themselves into to find a place to over-winter. They’re annoying, they smell like gross musty shit, and they will bite you given the opportunity.
So while this is the first time I’ve seen one in someone’s colon, I’m not completely shocked either. In fact, it’s kind of “on brand”.
Basically a 900LB Cocker Spaniel that’s afraid of it’s own farts and will eventually kill every single tree within reach. I also will never own horses.
Good old caller id spoofing.
That’s when you’ve got them on the hook. Then you string them along until they finally realize that you’ve been messing with them the entire time and start angrily cursing you over the phone.
I make it my personal mission to waste as much of those shitbags time as possible.
Does anyone answer if you call back?
I love fucking with the actual scammers. Last time I actually paid for an eFax subscription and kept spamming them back with fax calls.
It took a day or two but they stopped calling.
News media has to make every mundane exchange sound like a WWE match with clickbaity bullshit headlines.
The benefit of splitting services between VM’s is the same as it always has been: I can break one service without breaking ALL of them. Containers are an improvement over native installs but they do not solve this problem completely.
Not nearly good enough to make me give up Quicken but it is nice to see some more self hosted options popping up.
Ah Manage Engine. Lots of full featured products that are roughly 75% complete.
The kind of place where “backups” means playing Russian Roulette with one set of old ass tapes, if you’re lucky.
If you’re not spending half your day testing vacuum tubes one at a time, are you even a real engineer?
The legislature HATES the ballot initiative process. They’ve tried and failed to kill it several times.