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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • https://youtu.be/FHfJQxnTcjE?t=57

    The video in the article, depicting a random white guys reaction to seeing the statue

    “It made me scared to come to work, because what if I get shot or get noosed up just because of the way I look. And I don’t know why the election at home should have to affect people so badly”

    Bitch, your party’s entire identity is based around attacking minority communities based on skin color, immigration status, and gender/sexual identity. Now that you’re being recognized as the literal piece of shit you are, NOW you want to scale back the rhetoric? Go fuck yourself.

    Also why does seeing your bitch emperor with no clothes make you scared of bodily harm? This dude sees himself in that depiction, identifies with the vile racist rapist on display and thinks “what if that happened to me?” And I gotta think, yeah, that’s the point of the depiction. Your blind hateful positions only serve to expose you as the pathetic pasty parasite you are. Self-reflect and change or you’ll continue to be seen as a hypocritical bigot who’s self worth is based entirely upon the racist/misogynistic idea that because you’re a cis white man you’re better than everyone else. Fuck off you ignorant bitch.

  • I’ve been dealing with this for a while now. Family kicked me out of the house for supporting Bernie Sanders at one point. It sucks, because I love them very much, but they’re Racist with a capital R and die-hard republicans who worship drumpf. Every time we talked they would bait me with their BS, and even when we’re NOT talking about politics, it seems every gap in conversation is punctuated with all the vile things they’re trying not to say.

    My therapist had some great advice. Said that if I value a relationship with them, then the price for having that relationship is never discussing politics.

    I’m willing to pay that price, so I told them not to bring it up anymore, and I’ll do the same. It’s working for the most part, though that doesn’t stop other issues from coming up. But hey, that’s life! Wouldn’t be relatives if they didn’t frustrate you endlessly, I guess?

  • Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election was not due to any erosion in support for Donald Trump. Rather, not only did Trump’s raw vote total increase, but in the key states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Trump’s share of the vote actually increased.

    Still mind-boggling and a source of great personal disgust while being a national disgrace. One can only hope that enough people have soured on him since then, after countless displays of racism, xenophobia, sexism, authoritarianism, bigotry, and incompetence. A twice impeached loser felon grifter that’s clearly a russian asset should not stand a chance, yet here we are. Makes me sad.

    Between the people trying to give you healthcare and secure your job, and the people trying to let your miscarrying wife bleed out in the parking lot of a for-profit hospital, some morons prefer the latter. Why? “because he’s racist like me!” seems to be the deciding factor. Yes, that is why my parents are voting for him. and my mom is a poll-worker 🤦‍♂️

  • It’s hard, because the media is rightfully pointing a spotlight at her saying “wow, look at this racist dirtbag who’s in drumpfs inner circle! This shit is disqualifying!” and then alt-right dicktater-lovers see that and say “that’s our girl!”

    It’s like… you can’t fault the news for bringing attention to the appalling behavior of people in positions of power/influence. It’s just that all the racists are mask-off now and drumpf is appealing directly to them, as opposed to trying to reach any moderate voter.

    Fortunately it seems that most alt-right racist opportunists only ever get a glimpse of success, as their base is one that is forever moving goalposts, and will eat their own at the slightest hint that they’re not as racist as them. They burn brightly, and then fade away with their reputations forever stained, only ever gaining employment through attempts to re-validate their xenophobic/hateful credentials. It’s a pitiful excuse for a life.

  • Cops have an impossible job. Everyone has a gun, so it would be stupid of them to assume he wasn’t armed, which is why they ask you to keep your window rolled down. All he had to do was keep his window rolled down for the traffic stop, which is not an unreasonable request, but it was one he deliberately disobeyed. Instead, he acted out, so they treated him like a delinquent. There are actual victims of police overreach that will never know publicity like this. People who did everything asked of them and still suffered. Tyreek acted like a petulant child “how dare they give ME a speeding ticket!?” so they treated him like one. This is a nothing burger.

    I have no problem at all with rich pieces of shit getting treated like the scumbags they are.