Would get this in a heartbeat if it had couch co-op. What a shame. My wife would love to play it with me and we only have one Switch and also wouldn’t buy the game twice anyway.
Would get this in a heartbeat if it had couch co-op. What a shame. My wife would love to play it with me and we only have one Switch and also wouldn’t buy the game twice anyway.
I get plenty of sleep and still need at least 3 or 4 alarms that are spaced 5-10 min apart each.
Wet sand, along with pulleys and lots and lots of man power, and using the Nile to float stones from upstream to the building site. More complicated than that, but yeah.
I came here to see if someone mentioned this fact and was going to do so if I didn’t see anyone beat me to it lol.
Lol talk about nostalgia straight into the veins…
3% raise, huh? How about no raise
I had never heard of Sync, but with the way people are talking about it and it’s features, I think it could replace Bacon Reader for me (RIP) and this is coming from someone who uses reddit a moderate amount for niche subreddits, but isn’t going to stand for this anti capitalist BS that Spez is pulling, so how I’m here. It wasn’t hard, but I appreciate the fact not everyone is as plugged in or aware of social causes such as this or more importantly thst not everyone has the free time to put in a minimal amount of research to figure out how to move to an alternative.
It took this post and recent bio classes to realize that this line refers to the hydrophilic nature of water molecules, so the reason it is a question if he gets wet underwater, is because a water molecule can’t get wet, as it’s water, and even if he isn’t a water molecule, they’re attracted to all particles including other water molecules, so the water would definitely get him.