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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not saying this is what you did in your example, but offering advice when it’s not asked for IS DEFINITELY a form of toxic masculinity. That’s probably what they were referring to, however I don’t know the context and I can’t pass judgement.

    I will say the tendency to immediately be offended if someone accuses you of something is perfectly natural, and it’s an abrasive form of communication and “setting boundaries”. However, a mature response is to understand they have this feeling regardless of what you’ve done, why not figure out why?

    Sorry morning rant 💖

  • I got married Monday at a Mexican restaurant. We decided Friday night, bought pawnshop rings on Saturday, and got the certificate on monday morning before work. My cousin is a universal life church minister so he signed it for us and our waiter was witness. As untraditionally romantic as this seems, it was one of the best days of my life.

    Last week I got the breast cancer diag, so hopefully this is more positive :)

  • This was pre-linux for me but something you can still do in most distros so I think it’s a valid story.

    In 1999 I was using Napster on computer running MS-DOS. I was 12 years old and an aspiring open media enthusiast/stupid script kiddie. I was using the file explorer interface in Napster and accidentally gave access to my entire C drive. I also had opened ports to share certain media and to fuck with my friends using daemon tools (back then you could do stupid stuff like control a friend’s desktop with certain versions of daemon tools). Immediately I started receiving packages called things like “sleep.tight.tiny.mite” and I knew I was fucked so I clicked in the Napster interface and clicked “delete” and deleted my entire active drive.

    I panicked and installed the only operating system we had which was a random copy of Red Hat. When my dad came home I pretended like it had always had Linux on it. I do think he was more impressed than mad.

  • I’d honestly love to know more about what it’s like to be an Israeli right now. I’m adamantly pro cease-fire and have always been pro “let people keep their homes” and anti-apartheid, but never anti-Israeli citizen or Palestinian citizen to be fair. In the US we talk a lot about our government being colonizers and how the founding fathers shouldn’t be praised and we try to find ways to honor stolen land, albeit, it feels performative since I certainly can’t just give up my home if someone’s ancestor came back and asked for it. Anyways not to try to point too many fingers, but hopefully just offer a glimpse of my own moral dilemmas that feel impossible, I’m just wondering what the perspective is for you all? Is the segregation discussed? Is the foundation of Israel controversial among Israelis at all?