• 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I imagine the yellowish tinted areas are mostly sulfur from volcanic ash emissions. That middle picture, in the section between the two mare, it looks like how beach sand is altered after being inundated with water. In general, most of the surface looks like pulverized sand on a beach, at a high level abstracted perspective view. That one section between the mare looks whetted by comparison. Perhaps ash altered the consistency enough to create a similar type of compacted appearance, but if there was water and vulcanism in the area, perhaps that was the Lunar version of Yellowstone.

    Funny that the most recent research on the anomalous regions inside the Earth’s mantle have now been linked to the Theia collision through the mantle hotspot activity. So it is likely that the moon and Yellowstone are directly linked. It would be interesting to find that the regional anomalies on the moon are likewise of a similar origin. It would be interesting to me if Yellowstone’s doppelganger is right there in plain sight as well.

  • Invisibly; by trying to post in it and encourage others to do so. There is not much management to do with such a small community. The majority of regular users watch the All feed, so subscriptions are really just a way to bookmark the community to post in it or find it more easily. For smaller or new communities, expect it to be more like your personal blog as it is unlikely to be something others will post in regularly. The majority of communities that are hourly-active were made prior to the rexodus of June 2023, or within a few weeks thereafter.

    Unless you’re in a very controversial space, actively micromanaging a community is likely an issue with the mod not the community IMO. The admins take care of the majority of wack-a-mole nonsense here.

  • They told us they were going to invest in EV R&D back in 2014. You know, back before we had that orange anal experience of a Russian puppet wannabe pornstar felon president. We put 6b into GM to compete; they pumped their stocks with it. Such is 3rd world America. Lay off the McCarthy bullshit whining about investing in R&D to mask corruption and ineptitude. This was no fucking surprise. Spinning this bullshit is just trying to justify screwing over average Americans with overpriced undeveloped bloated unaffordable garbage made to pad our useless incompetent oligarchy’s pockets.

  • Slowly trying to learn sh while using mostly bash. Convenience is nice and all, but when I encounter something like OpenWRT or Android, I don’t like the feeling of speaking a foreign language. Maybe if I can get super familiar with sh, then I might explore prettier or more convenient options, but I really want to know how to deal with the most universal shell.

  • I found a Python project that does enough for my needs. Jq looks super powerful though. Thanks. I managed to get yq working for PNG’s, but I had trouble with both jq and yq with safetensor files. I couldn’t figure out how to parse a string embedded in an inconsistent starting binary, and with massive files. I could get in and grab the first line with head. I tried some stuff with expansions, but that didn’t work and sent me looking for others that have solved the issue better than myself.

  • Have you ever wondered how life might be different if we kept 2 times, a local solar time for the things that do not matter and an official or coordinated time?

    I’m disabled, and have little reason to keep coordinated time, so I’m biased. I’ve thought about trying true solar time as solar noon is not well coordinated with my time zone.

    I find the periodicity of noon has a psychological impact on my circadian rhythm that I do not care to bend myself to fit like a slave to a train schedule, but I might appreciate a compromise of bending time to fit my rhythm against the natural Solar cycle.

  • I was early on Silverblue but went to Workstation. The Fedora Anaconda UEFI shim on enthusiast edge class hardware is flawless. The ability to roll back if there are any issues is default config. Encrypted drives are easy. NVME is managed. Nvidia kernel modules are built lightning fast in the background. I have a dozen distrobox container environments each with layers of Python containers within. I occasionally have a minor issue, like upgrading to F40 put me on Python too far ahead for some projects, but it was an easy fix for me.

    Unfortunately I must be on a shim, so only Fedora and Ubuntu exist on my main.

  • The best deal is probably going to be looking for a used machine with a 3080Ti. There were several of these made with Intel 12th gen CPU’s. That is probably the cheapest way to get a 16 GB GPU. They can be found for considerably less than $2k. Anything with a “3080Ti” where the “Ti” part is super important, has a 16 GB GPU, (the “3080” is 8GB). That was the only 16 GB laptop GPU until the newer Nvidia 4k stuff.

    That can play any game, and can run some large models for AI stuff if you become interested. On the AI front, you want maximum system memory too if possible. My machine can only address 64 GB of sysmem. Some go up to 96 GB. I wish I could get like 256 GB.

    Just because a machine comes with Linux does not mean the problems are solved. You will find many times when people buy machines that have peripheral kernel modules that are orphaned and not part of the kernel. Orphaned kernels are not real Linux and are like phones. Indeed this is the exact mechanism used to steal your phone and prevent you from using it for its true hardware lifetime.

    The real solution is https://linux-hardware.org/. Use that to see what works where. You also need to understand modern secure boot with the TPM chip and package keys. These exist outside of the Linux kernel. If delving into this system is too much for you to deal with or of no interest, just stick to using either Ubuntu or Fedora. These both have a special system outside of Linux that will handle the keys for you. Presently, these are the only two distro choices that do this; not derivatives either, it must be vanilla Ubuntu or Fedora. You won’t be able to change anything in kernel space when going this route, but if the keys issue is unimportant, that probably won’t be an issue.

  • For me, it is not about “lost history.” It is about contextual history and knowing if some tool I built in a distrobox uses only dandified, pacman, aptitude, portage; or if it also uses venv, conda; or if there was some install script.

    It would be nice if I was on a stable kernel to avoid such a dependency salad, but that is not within the scope of playing with the latest AI toys where new tools and exploring new spaces is constantly creating opportunities to explore.

    It would be nice if I was some genius full stack dev that could easily normalized all the tools under a single dependency containerization scheme, but that is not within my mental scope or interests at the present. For most AI tools, I follow the example given and only add a distrobox container as an extra layer of dependency buffering from the host. The ability to lazily see the terminal history for each of those containers is a handy way to see exactly what I did months ago.