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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You seem to be under the impression that your opinion of a random meme and joke response comment on the internet is something we should care about. We don’t know each other, this isn’t Facebook, there’s no reason to fake being nice on a site like this. I’ll probably never see you again, your judgement of a random comment means very little to me. My original comment wasn’t meant as any more than a bullshit joke comment, but since you want to make it more…

    I never compared babies to abusers. I compared Stockholm Syndrome to the evolutionary mental and hormonal responses parents have for their progeny. They’re both unconscious mental responses brought on by an external stimulus. An inconvenient comparison of course, but simple.

    Back to the actual topic of the post… I don’t think anyone’s baby is cute, including yours, they’re all ugly bloated sacks of skin. And no the baby’s disproportionate features don’t actually look like either parent at that age. You want it to be true and your mind is giving you what you want.

  • Or… that’s the result of hormonal changes and the brain creating an excuse for the cognitive dissonance that results. It’s an evolutionary trait to further propagation of the species, nothing more. Your mind tricking you into liking something because you created it. The human mind creates fantasies all the damned time typo cope with situations.

    In a different context. Your abuser isn’t that bad, they provide for you, give you a place to stay, and clearly care for you, just in their own way. Clearly they actually love you and you need to return those feelings to show your appreciation. The physical abuse is only a small punishment when you misbehave, you deserved it.

  • In the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 244, the Enterprise-J is identified as a Universe-class starship. The same reference book additionally described the ship as having an overall length of 3219 meters.

    I can’t find a reference for the Breen Dreadnaught size though, not enough beta canon material for something so new. I can’t find a good source for Fed HQ size to compare either, just that it is actually a Pax class starship, but no size for those.

  • This is exactly the kind of issue that the average person might deal with, or it will be a deal breaker and they’ll never try again. Even if you can customize something via a config file, the average user will never do that. If there is no easy GUI in a normal location (like system settings) for something they want to adjust, it might as well not exist.

    Average users either will accept all the inconveniences, or none. If it is more inconvenient than what they are used to right off the bat, they will go back and never try again.

  • Until something breaks, or doesn’t have a GUI. The average user seeing a terminal means they will abandon it. And even if they are willing to handle a terminal to fix an issue, the toxic community members that flock to be the first to respond condescendingly to new users will turn them away permanently.

    Linux communities have some of the most helpful users, but they also have people worse than a League of Legends game. And all it takes is one of them to turn the average person away forever.

  • Exactly, and let’s give them the benefit of the doubt since we don’t know. The librarian or assistant helping OP probably just doesn’t know much about the IT stuff other than how to help people get on the wifi. And it is entirely possible that they’re NEVER seen anyone even try the port before, that’s not common at all. Actually managing the IT infrastructure at that level is almost surely NOT part of their job.

    WiFi has been included in essentially everything for over a decade. I mean even ignoring laptops having Wifi way before mobile devices, even going back to the origin of smartphones for the masses, the original iPhone had Wifi back in 2007, that’s 17 years ago.

  • A major part of that is obviously potatoes, which originated in South America. They were brought back to Europe through colonization of the Americas. Just like tomatoes and corn.

    For spices though, looking up a few recipes to check it looks like usually thyme, rosemary, and parsley are used, which are Mediterranean and Western Eurasia. So maybe… My memory of English colonialism and time-frames closer to home is more lacking.

  • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBrits: Salt is a spice
    3 months ago

    That has nothing to do with the topic at hand, you’re just trying to change the topic, and think that somehow calling out America’s history of colonization (by not only Britain mind you) is some sort of “gotcha” moment.

    But I’ll bite. Personally, European descent. But many native friends and family members, and lots of time volunteering with local native non-profits and political campaigns. Which is likely more than 99% of Americans could say about any sort of native support.

    I’m on the west coast, you know where all the natives were forced to move. Many of the “illegals” the bigots complain about in my area are actually Native Americans or have native ancestry.

    But none of that is about the topic at hand, food and Britain’s lack of utilizing the spices they spent so much effort to get.