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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Make no mistake - the policing situation in Portland is 100% political, from the police side. Policing is AOK in the more conservative areas of the metro area - the rest of the city is intentionally left to rot despite no actual reduction in funding or capabilities. Portland in media became a “liberal stronghold” and our (naturally) right-wing police force (which have colorful and long-standing local history with regional white nationalist groups) have decided to make their political statement by selectively performing their job duties to attack liberals.

    I have family that’s a part of this shitfest, on the LEO side. The shit they say after a few drinks on Thanksgiving is disgusting. The issues plaguing Portland are 100% intentional by the police. They view themselves as “teaching Portland a lesson about their liberal government” and boast about how they’ll drive past dangerous and criminal events if it looks to them like it’s just a liberal or undesirable “getting what they voted for”.

    There are private groups to help you track down and (sometimes forcefully!) recover your stolen car in the city, because if you call the police to report a theft, they’ll wait until you tell them what part of the city you’re from and if it’s not the conservative areas they’ll just tell you they can’t do anything and hang up on you. No report, nothing. They’re well aware that this lack of report number impacts your ability to make insurance claims, by the way - another chuckling boast over Thanksgiving when I asked.

    They won’t stop until they “feel respected” again. To them, this means zero oversight, unlimited budget, no questioning, no consequences, and conservative leadership over the city. The disgust I feel when I see our “public servants” now after being educated on their perspective is alarming even to me.

  • I’ve been working through my first playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 - it’s fairly enjoyable, I’m glad I ignored it outright until well after big patches rolled out. There’s something very satisfying about blowing up enemies through a camera.

    I’ve also picked up Dwarf Fortress (Steam) for the first time. It has a lot of depth but has been fun to learn and try and figure out. I just flooded a section of my fortress by digging into an underground river.

    My chill-out puzzle game has been Can of Wormholes and it’s pretty fun! It’s weird for sure… but definitely fun.

  • I use Arch for all my computers, including my “critical” systems. I only do full upgrades when I know I have the time to troubleshoot something broken, but rarely need to do so.

    More than this, I actually use Arch as the OS for thousands of computers for my work that end up in customer hands, who expect stability. I’m not sure at what point it stops being Arch, though - I pin the package repositories to internal mirrors with fixed package distributions from specific dates to control the software that goes to them, so it’s not really rolling release anymore I guess - I control the releases and when updates go out.

    Arch is what you make of it. My Arch project desktop pc is constantly shifting and breaking and needing attention as I continually improve it and play with things. My Arch laptop that runs my life and work and is the most important computer I own is a paragon of stability and perfect functioning.

  • Just being able to tinker is kind of like my stim.

    100% agreed. My main computer is a beast of a Linux system that is in a state of continual improvement. If I’m stressed, I just make little fixes here and there… try new things, create new little tools. It’s extremely relaxing to have something to dump one’s tinker energy into!

  • I want to take a moment to wish you luck! I’ve always believed anyone can program, even if not everyone can program everything. Modern web development can be very profitable, but very overwhelming. It is a constantly-shifting landscape of new standards and practices and tools. It has rebuffed many people due to this, who often become dejected by its complexity and dynamism.

    If this is not you, then that’s excellent! However, if you feel this way, you should know that a different, slower, more stable version of web development still exists, which more closely mirrors conventional software development and even the shell scripting you have experience with: older style monolithic web applications are everywhere, and more continue to appear. Written in PHP, C#, ASP, even Perl (old!), these older web applications tend to have fairly stable ecosystems and documentation. You rarely find the biggest industry names like Microsoft and Apple and Netflix touting its engineers as having expert level knowledge in these languages and ecosystems, because they’re seen as somewhat old-hat, but they have a massive industry presence nonetheless… and fewer and fewer competent programmers exist to maintain and improve these systems.

    Facebook is still largely comprised of PHP code, I believe - though they use a different runtime. WordPress is still a staggeringly massive presence on the Internet for anything from business sites to e-commerce shops, and it has a huge (and profitable, if you find a niche!) ecosystem of plug-ins written in PHP and Javascript/CSS/HTML. The new fediverse software (kbin) I am writing this post on is written in PHP! It is still easily possible to make a comfortable living doing nothing but quality PHP, especially if you can find a nice niche. It has a (relatively) undeserved bad reputation amongst modern programmers.

    Anyway, thought to mention this. Good luck!

  • If things cannot be done purely through touch / the mouse, it is too hard for most people.

    100%. Even as a power-user (understatement) who overwhelmingly prefers keyboard input to control things when I’m “gettin’ stuff done”, I will sometimes miss the general consideration level of Windows’ input handling when it comes to mouse and especially touch. Mouse is pretty damn good these days on Linux, but touch…

    Touch is abysmal. A ton of modern laptops have touchscreens, or are actually 2-in-1s that fold into tablets, etc, and the support is just barely there, if at all. I’m not talking about driver support - this is often fairly acceptable. My laptop’s touch and pen interface worked right out of the box… technically. But KDE Plasma 5 with Wayland- an allegedly very modern desktop stack- is not pleasant when I fold into tablet mode.

    The sole (seriously, I’ve looked) Wayland on-screen-keyboard, Maliit, is just terrible. No settings of any kind (there is a settings button! it is not wired to anything, it does nothing), no language options, no layout options (the default layout is abysmal and lacks any ‘functional’ keys like arrows, pgup/dn, home/end, delete, F keys, tab, etc), and most egregiously, it resists being manually summoned which is terrible because it does not summon itself at appropriate times. Firefox is invisible to it. KRunner is invisible to it. The application search bar is invisible to it. It will happily pop up when I tap into Konsole, but it’s totally useless as it is completely devoid of vital keys. Touch on Wayland is absolutely pointless.

    Of course, there is a diverse ecosystem of virtual keyboards and such on Xorg! However, Xorg performance across all applications is typically abysmal (below 1FPS) if the screen is rotated at all. This is evidently a well known issue that I doubt will ever be fixed.

    In the spirit of Open Source Software, and knowing that simply complaining loudly has little benefit for anyone, I have at several times channeled my frustration towards developing a reasonable Wayland virtual keyboard, but it’s a daunting project fraught with serious problems and I have little free-time, so it’s barely left its infancy in my dev folder, and in the meanwhile I reluctantly just flip my keyboard back around on the couch with a sigh, briefly envious of my friend’s extremely-touch-capable Windows 2-in-1.

  • I’ve made a point to learn and understand commonly “mocked” languages. The reasons they’re ridiculed for are often very tightly related to the reasons why they’re powerful in unique ways.

    It’s hard to defend some parts of PHP, but it doesn’t deserve the hatred it gets. Its standard library is a self-contradictory mess, yes. But it’s backwards-compatible with previous language versions to a fairly remarkable degree. This backwards-compatability might seem strange now, but not that long ago, this guarantee meant it could evolve very rapidly as a language and ecosystem without risking losing users to a continual barrage of updates necessary to keep atop of, lest your application fail. I think this is the reason it overtook PERL as the first major “server-side” dynamic website language of choice.

    It has that goofy dollar sign variable syntax, yes. I personally think a special syntax for variable access vs function calls is one of the reasons coding beginners found it slightly easier to use - you didn’t need to keep so much track of name collisions and stuff. $thing is always a piece of data, a noun. thing is always a keyword or function, a verb. You can thing($thing), it’s OK, they’re different. You’re verbing a noun.

    It could grow fast and be picked up quick, so it’s no wonder to me it persists, ever-improving, in the midst of all these extremely popular, extremely modern languages in use today. Wikipedia, Facebook, WordPress, Slack, Etsy, indeed even kbin, the piece of Fediverse software I’m writing this on now.

  • I’ve been playing through Control, which has been pretty fun, but… I just came out of TotK and every other game so far feels a bit… shallower. I don’t know how to explain it. I’ve also been taking breaks into Infinifactory again to finally finish it. Been a while since I’ve felt the itch for Zachtronics, and it feels good. The mechanical intricacy overshadows that hollow feeling.

    What should I play next if TotK has set my bar so high? Will it just fade in time?