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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2020


  • Because Redhat has IBM hands shoved up through it’s ass upto it’s brains so it’s days are numbered.

    Don’t underestimate IBM honchos to fuck up a good thing. Recently heard Redhat dropping dev support for a bunch of packages in fedora or something.

    The moment someone fucks up… open source always brings alternatives. See: open office vs. Libreoffice… the bunch of firefox derivatives.

  • Not the OP you were talking to, but I have to object to what you say is ignorance, even though you might be saying it about OP specifically. You probably think everybody thinks of deflation like this.

    Deflation is bad -> I believe this is true. But that’s not the point.

    The current economy is setup this way to make anything other than rampant consumerism and aggressive capitalism a country-destroying phenomenon -> This is what irks people. The rich and powerful have setup a shitty rube-goldberg machine that makes their lives better at the expense of the commonfolk, environment, and everybody else’s sanity.