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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • It takes an existing logo, an existing background, and some text you specify as input, and makes a single image with all of those elements as output. So I guess once you’ve done the hard work of making a logo and finding a good background to use, this tool lets you combine them with code instead of whatever image editor you used for the existing elements?

  • You’re missing a TON of history here. Like udev being a dependency to all those projects AND systemd, which led to systemd adding it to their project. Really it could be said that udev is the critical component here.

    As you mentioned networkmanager, you clearly know that many popular distros use that rather than systemd-networkd.

    Grub2 is by far the most popular boot loader, so far ahead that it’s not even worth considering others. Grub has had several major issues, every distro uses it, why not pick on grub as the risk?

    Did you have these same concerns about sysvinit? About the various distro network scripts? What about libc? Good god if there’s a problem with libc we’re all in deep trouble.

    Yes, code has bugs. But New code has new bugs (ironically an argument previously used against systemd). Whatever you replace these components with will be just as likely to have a critical vulnerability, but far fewer maintainers and resources to fix it. Systemd has simplified and improved features of so many parts of Linux that it’s funny to see how vehemently people argued against it. Feel free to disable any parts you don’t need, but I think you’re missing 20 years of painful history that led us here.

  • ISO standards need to be purchased to be viewed, RFCs are freely available requests for comment. The RFC 3339 format is effectively the same is the ISO format, except RFC 3339 allows for a space between the date and time components whereas the ISO format uses a “T” character to separate date and time components.

    If you want to get real weird, RFCs are not standards but rather a request for other participants to comment on the proposal. RFCs tend to be pointed towards as de facto standards though, even before they become a BCP or STD.

  • Yes. Gladly. This disgusting cop tortured and killed a deer, which has some real serial killer vibes. I pointed out that it blows my mind that this story, which is obviously sick, gets headlines and traction faster than stories of cops killing innocent people. Because we’re so numb to them killing people.

    Apparently this has upset people somehow? Pointing out how this sicko is on leave for torturing and killing an animal while cops go back to their jobs regularly after savagely killing people. Not really sure how else to point out how repulsive the situation has become, but clearly people must have thought I was attempting to dismiss the severity of repugnant behavior? Who knows. People are weird.

  • Flat out, I will never buy another item from QNAP. Ever. Their “support” is a joke, and their only fix for hardware that doesn’t work on “supported” OS due to old firmware is to return it and hope to get a new one with a new firmware that actually works. Like, WTF? And “supported” here means they have some old, janky, partially functional Linux app that ran on an Ubuntu desktop once upon a time. No headless system support for a server attached product. And really, they want you running it on a Windows desktop.

    Beyond that, the physical hardware itself was super generic gear. I was unimpressed with paying a premium after friends all recommended QNAP, and I got what was basically a child’s toy that they didn’t expect a professional to be using.

    As for multi-gig router, if you’re doing dynamic, addressing and masquerading then I can recommend the unified dream machine pro. The second edition is more capable, and has a faster backplane between the 10 gig land and land ports and the one gig ports. The original dream machine pro that I have does not have that feature, and it’s sorely missed.

    If you need to do any complex routing, or static addressing then things get a little more wonky. Wonky. Very obviously does not expect this device to be a real router, but rather than that and masquerade gateway for a small business office. It totally works, and I’ve had mine for a few years now, but it’s just something to be aware of.

    Mikrotik also makes a 10g router device, as do a couple other companies. They’ll expect you to be a bit more experienced, though. I’m not sure what your skill level is, but they are options at least.

    Edit: you want an sfp+, btw. An sfp only does 1gbit, an sfp+ does 10gbit, and qsfp does 25+ gbit. https://www.black-box.eu/en-int/page/45646/Resources/technical/Black-Box-Explains/lan/SFP-vs-QSFP-What-s-the-difference