• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • I needed to learn Go quickly for a small little side project and I was able to run through the fundamentals Go track in about a week and a half doing a few exercises here and there.

    I’ve been exposed to quite a few programming languages so a lot of the common principles are there for me. What I really needed was to learn how Go is different and what the unique things about it are.

    For example, I didn’t need to learn about why loops are important. What I did like learning is how a for loop in Go was structured and how to use it in different contexts. Utilizing range was a great thing I picked up from their examples.

    Exercise is a great hands-on tool to supplement and support learning.

  • I think this looks like a Marigold, but not sure what specific kind. Certain kinds do get quite big and don’t do well in pots.

    That being said, it looks like there are two or three stems at least there and this pot may be a little small for this plant. I don’t know exactly how dead it might be but it may liven up with a bit more room. Marigolds like loamy soil. A combination of dirt, sand and clay that also drains well. Maybe try a bigger pot and see if it perks up.

  • Even the synthetic ones are great. Your options for colors are a bit more limited but the quality is still good. Would still recommend those over Bombas. I was disappointed in the Bombas quality and found myself having to buy them more often due to wearing down quickly.

    Ultimately I hope you can find what you need! All the best to you, friend!

  • A lot of great advice in this thread.

    Adding a note here about socks. Don’t bother with Bombas. They are fine, but no better than other generic socks you will find out there. I was all in to the hype of them too but after using them for a few years i found they don’t hold up any better than other socks. I wouldn’t consider them an “investment”.

    Now, if you want to invest in a sock, consider getting Darn Tough. They are more expensive, however their wool and synthetic socks are pretty solid. I find they hold up way better than my Bombas ever did, are much more comfortable, moisture wicking of wool is very good and, best part, if they fall apart, wear down and get holes, Darn Tough will replace them. They will have you send them back and give you a credit to get a new pair. Full credit. It’s fantastic. Highly recommend.

  • First off, I’m so sorry to hear you were having a bad day. That really sucks and I feel for you, friend. It happens to us all and I hope things look up for you soon! They usually do and stuff like this comes and goes in waves.

    I should not let stranger’s opinion be able to affect me that much. I should be the gatekeeper of my emotions and what I let affect me.

    You can’t always help this. We are emotional creatures. Feeling emotions is just something we do, and you don’t have to check that baggage at the door. You are entitled and valid for having a feeling in response to that situation. In my opinion you’re not wrong about feeling bad/upset either. You should be upset for getting dumped on like that. We just have to be mindful to let it guide our decisions sensibly. Don’t feel bad for feeling bad. You are justified in this situation.

    …realizing I wasted my time sharing my ideas…

    Please, please, please don’t see your contribution as a waste, despite the response you got. The way others respond is not always a great indicator of the quality of your contribution, particularly if you don’t exactly trust those individuals deeply. That’s kind of the problem with online communities like this, not everyone responds affirmatively even if they think it actually is a great idea. It’s hard to really know. It’s absolutely validating when someone outright says it, but on the same hand the negativity, especially if it’s not constructive, should be taken with a grain of salt. For all you know, someone could have seen your idea and run with it already, or come up with something else good based on it. You may never know though, and that’s okay. The intent of putting an idea out there is good, and thank you for doing that. Please don’t stop doing that.

  • Learn when to say no.

    You have to know when you’re approaching your limit. Before you get to that, you have to be able to say no to new things or scale back ongoing things so you aren’t working past your limit.

    As an example, right now with work I’m juggling 3 main things. Working on research for an upcoming project. A project working on some information collecting, surveying and assessments of those results. And some review of business development documents. I’m close to my limit. I have time for them all, but just barely enough. I know my priority right now are the first two. I have already started scaling back on business development reviews. I was doing these as a favor to lend a hand and the other two things are more important.

    I already know if I get asked to do more business development review work, I will say no and decline. I won’t feel bad. I’m certain I won’t get in trouble. I can set the boundaries that I have other important priorities right now. So while I know there’s a lot going on and I sense my limit getting close, I have to protect myself from doing too much that will stress me out and burn me out.

  • First off, OP, I’m sorry that you had to go through that. Hostile responses hurt, particularly when you’re just trying to help. I hope this doesn’t stop you from sharing ideas in the future. We need more people willing to share ideas so we can have good thought diversity.

    That being said, I don’t think this is a good reason to leave Reddit or hate Reddit.

    I know a lot of us are really highly charged right now and the Reddit hate is strong. We got burned by something that was a major part of our lives for many years. But the toxicity of the participants is not exactly a Reddit thing. This is an internet thing. You are not getting away from that here.

    I have had similar experiences as OP on Reddit and I’m also seeing similar behaviors on Lemmy as well, particularly now that it is growing faster.

    Lemmy and federated services in general do not automatically mean that the community is nicer or are more respectful. That is not the problem these services try to solve. They solve issues of ownership and centralization. Even communities like Beehaw aren’t free from this either. I’ve seen some pretty toxic behavior, even on Beehaw. They can’t escape that. But what they can do is set a standard for expected behaviors and then moderate the community as best they can. This doesn’t eliminate the problem, but at least it sets a stage where we can play, and call out when someone crosses the line.

    So let’s not kid ourselves. When people from different backgrounds, views, and intents come together with the capability of being anonymous and behind a screen, the bad actors WILL come and join the fray. That’s just part of internet connected life.

  • the rest of the world just don’t yet see their psychopathy

    This is why we can’t have nice things. Regardless of your morality or theirs, this excludes others in a harmful way and is ultimately why I personally greatly dislike and avoid most vegan/vegetarian social communities. I feel like comments such as this are the “battleground” that mods don’t want to deal with. In a community that tries to be nice to all, calling out the psychopathy of someone who thinks differently feels very inappropriate and disrespectful on many levels.

  • What a lovely space to practice, I’m quite jealous!

    Keep an eye on that bow hand grip. You want to make sure you keep a loose, open grip with the pad of your thumb pressing forward against the bow. That should be where most pressure goes.

    Hand/knuckles should be at about 45° and fingers barely touching. It might help to use a finger sling to keep yourself from gripping. This helps to close up groups a lot!

    Take a look at this illustration for more guidance.

  • On your account here you can only subscribe to communities that are within beehaw and other communities from instances that beehaw is federated with.

    However if you really want to participate in those defedetated instances you can go over there and sign up for an account on those. Nothing is stopping you from having another account in that space. I certainly do, but i definitely prefer things here for the philosophical approach and community.