Big geology? You mean Dominos pizza?
I don’t get why you’re all so mad at me for being right, I don’t get mad at you for always being wrong
Big geology? You mean Dominos pizza?
Fuck Disney, we should put a sledgehammer through Walt’s frozen brain
Use residential IP and the friction stops
It’s strange seeing schools being raided for books
Conservatives just used to show us videos of the ninja turtles crying because someone smoked a joint
I think I’m onto something. BRB applying to Shark Tank
Unpopular opinion: billionaires are greedy
Is that why they call mass graves potter’s fields?
I like to practice my ceiling basketball when they go to bed
Is this the fabled libertarian policeman?
No debugging that
Wasn’t he king though? Why would he have to interview?
Trickle down some of that gold on me NASDAQ
It’s sad Christie looks qualified next to the current lot, ugh what a future we live in
Wow corrupt and dumb
Organ trafficking?