Hi, I am Clot (ofc thats not my real name). I like programming (specially rust), my first PL was python (as expected). I am here to explore lemmy and get out my distractions on reddit :D

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • I think most people here dont even use PCs, smartphones are used a lot more than that. And those who use PCs, a majority of them use old hardware forcing them to find alternative operating system (I have experienced this personally and has installed mint on PCs of 6-7 peoples like that). I think old hardware is what pushing them to use linux. Moreover, most geeks use either mac or linux until forced by the company to use windows. Its definitely not a regional thing, as far as reputation is concerned, for normal people its just like windows like people who want to edit files, pp presentations, excel sheets, etc all of it is same as windows due to awesome tools like libreoffice. What else people need mostly? linux GUI has evolved enough to help them for all “normal” use cases, otherwise internet is always there. I think it will continue to grow as a result of recent microsoft F ups and as people become aware.

  • Here’s another response I got from someone from radicle regarding this.

    That’s a great Q.

    Radicle can support a federated model, where known major seeds are connected with multiple smaller clusters. >Radicle supports also completely self-sustaining and disconnected clusters of nodes networked between themselves >within that cluster. And of course any other network topography in between.

    There’s a promising active proposal to establish a dedicated new Radworks Organization tasked with solving the >incentivization and reward problem for seeds. https://community.radworks.org/t/discussion-rgp-22-start-the

    Additionally, similar to how one can “star” a repo on GitHub, one can “seed” a repo on Radicle. “Starring” a repo is >often a toast of support, akin to an emoji reaction, with little more effect other than that, but in Radicle “seeding” a >project, goes beyond incrementing a vanity metric: it actively supports propagating that project across the Radicle >network. The count of seedings per repo can also be used as a differentiator between original and “copy-cat” ones.