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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I perform a backup once a week from my main desktop to a HDD, then once a month I copy important data/files from all nodes (proxmox, rpi’s and main desktop) to 2 “cold” unplugged HDD that’s the only time I connect them. I do all of that using rsync with backup.sh and coldbackup.sh

    I use syncthing for notes across mobile/desktop/notebook, for that and other important files the backup goes to Google Drive or MEGA (besides the offline backup).

    I want to try S3 Glacier since is cheaper for cloud backup… has anyone tried?

  • Awesome summary of how podman works.

    I still haven’t figured out some issues with rootless podman where I pass the PUID and PGID of “myuser” 1000 as environment variable following the linuxserver.io examples… but then get files and folders owned by 100999:100999, if I chown files to “myuser” the service gets permission denied, I give up and chown everything to 100999 as workaround it works but is a bit annoying… Maybe someone here knows what’s going on?