wasnt that debunked as fake? legit question, I dont really follow this game
wasnt that debunked as fake? legit question, I dont really follow this game
Josh does mostly stress testing though
eh, I dont mind those, they are just getters and setters
you are allowed to take empty bottles with you, just saying
swirling is not lossless, but it doesnt remove enough identification
youre on your phone on a kayak? lmao
bro wtf is up with my reading ability right now, I thought the headline said „Hitler Campaign“
(no this is not comparing her to hitler, just a reading fail lol)
you never had a cat scan?
just say that its not okay to force medications on someone and we are all good
ah, reading comprehension is not happening today apparently lol
also fits depression
On the appointed day, the medical team will come to Ter Beek’s house. “They’ll start by giving me a sedative, and won’t give me the drugs that stop my heart until I’m in a coma. For me, it will be like falling asleep. My partner will be there, but I’ve told him it’s OK if he needs to leave the room before the moment of death,” she said.
this struck me as a bit odd. In switzerland they cannot „act“, they can only prepare the drugs etc, but you have to do the final act by yourself, otherwise its considered murder.
interesting that they handle it differently
I did it on the sofa, was pretty much the same
thanks, added shampoo to my shopping list lmao
work installed some software that blocks all internet acces unless its through their vpn. even local ips
oh that looks good. I think I tried it in the past and gave up on it, but Ill give it another shot, thanks
I see what you are saying. I am just trying to use it as an input device like a drawing tablet, not save any documents on my device
I want to take work related notes and I dont think they would appreciate those notes beeing on the cloud
man I hate trump, but imho this is actually brave. no way I would go back to where I was almost shot