Repeating “they are bad and dumb” ad nauseum is no way to inspire sane conversation. It’s just echo chamber circle jerk.
Repeating “they are bad and dumb” ad nauseum is no way to inspire sane conversation. It’s just echo chamber circle jerk.
I find that the people who use terms like “right wing loser” are indistinguishable from the people who use terms like “left wing loser”.
That’s fair. But I actually admire the guy. And you people tend to witch-hunt like a bunch of Monty Python extras on crack. So you see where I’m coming from.
No. Can you link me?
ok, watched the video. Ya, that’s a pretty fascist salute there.
This is mob insanity at work. There is no nazi.
He’s just waving at the audience for Christ’s sake.
I get censored here all the time.
Everything written by Greg Egan for the first decade or so of his writing career
If we could do emotional memory transfer then we wouldn’t need movies anymore.
Movies are an indirect way of evoking emotions.
I was thinking neon lights. I mean that’s basically an arc, just spread out. I think I heard that there’s a glow in vacuum too, just not as nice as with neon.
Assuming that you can draw a triangle from any 3 lines, draw a triangle from lines of length 1, 2 and 3
How about in vacuum? Do you get fancy arcs or glows or what?
It’s like one of those lichtenburg patterns, except in air.
All programmers are goth supermodels.
Speaking as a freeform blob. Roundness? Yes, I have some ot that. Sharp pointy bits? Yep. Little tangles? Ya, a few of those too.
Yeah but it isn’t the key central focus of the deal anymore then. It’s just a convenient accessory.
We can still observe and discuss methods for making observations.
Yes. Hypotheses. Ideas.
But the point of the scientific method is to get us high-quality ideas. How would that cure the derangement of an idea-centered perspective?.
Maybe if you removed the model-making part. Leave the primacy of observation and the utility of peer-review. Maybe.
There is also the assumption of the central importance of ideas, which is a rather deranged perspective when you think about it.
Don’t get me wrong, ideas have high utility, for memory and language and such, but still.
An idea is just a little thing, and any association between it and the rest of reality is purely contrived.
I seriously doubt that. It’s rabble rousing.