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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • Sorry, but some guy threatened another driver with a pipe in front of 10 cars in front of my house, and I was the only one to step in and I’m the only reason the situation didn’t escalate. And the only reason I can think of why I did so, is that I don’t have much to lose in practice.

    It’s scary to intervene and despite your pandering, I suspect you’ve never been in a situation where you have to choose to put your life in danger (I’ve also done mountaineering/glacier travel and got a pilot licence which really opened my eyes up too).

    It’s easy for you to disrespect her gracefully and talk crap when you’ve never been in a dangerous situation where you can choose to make a difference that might screw you permanently.

    There are a million things that will run through your mind when you yourself are (ie, you will likely be advised by people that you could be in danger, etc). When the situation is outside of your control, you think differently.

    You might disagree with her, but she has every right to protect herself. And she has every right to make that decision.

    If I was in the same situation and my family was in danger, I’d make the same decision too.

    It’s not because she wouldn’t want to do it, but, the decision may have been made to protect her family.

  • Did you want a list of dogshit that Trump has done? Nobody has time to write that list (the “good” things he’s done are mostly limited though, so that is quick). The list is totally opposite for Biden… Before Trump a bj in the oval office was considered bad. Now we discover new worse stuff on a weekly basis

    Trump literally told the proud boys to “stand Back and stand by”… Publicly… In front of everyone… In case you need a reminder of what a bunch of fuckwits they are, refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proud_Boys . **That’s indesputable proof that trump supports bigotry. **

    You have to be blind at this point to call a convicted rapist who cheats on taxes and abuses everyone (whose own staff WARNS the general public about), to Biden, who hasn’t supported the israel war publicly (oh, but for some reason it’s “reasonable speculation” when it’s YOUR opinion). Trump can’t even get an endorsement from his former VP (that’s how little he can be trusted)

    I’m sitting here in Australia, and I’m watching similar shit go down similar to the insurrection… YET AGAIN!!! As we get closer, he’ll ramp the rhetoric up and start saying it’s rigged, and dropping “truth bombs” which don’t have any evidence against them (but no evidence supporting them).

    He tries to gain power through hate… Biden did not. Kamala and Walz do not.

    They are not the same…

  • Except the ones which are saying it simply to encourage people to stop voting. They do that to dem voters only though suspiciously

    There is no comparison between the two. Trump is unimaginably worse. The only thing anyone has against Biden is his son (which isn’t anything to do with him) and Israel, which Biden is likely trying to get a ceasefire in the background

    I’m sitting here in Australia as he’s telling you guys exactly how he is going to fuck you over… He’s dropping hints constantly that he won’t leave power and introduce laws to extend his term if he wins

    He’s definitely going to pardon more criminals. It’s scary to think of how much damage he’ll do on a second term internationally, as he’s done plenty the first time.

    If Trump ends his term knowing he’s going to jail, don’t be surprised if he leaks all the classified information to everyone to make it seem like he’s fighting for freedom and try to get more power