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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • I like this part very much:

    The term “schmidhubered” has been jokingly used in the AI community to describe Schmidhuber’s habit of publicly challenging the originality of other researchers’ work, a practice seen by some in the AI community as a “rite of passage” for young researchers. Some suggest that Schmidhuber’s significant accomplishments have been underappreciated due to his confrontational personality.

  • yeah, they were first believed to have originated from germany; currently science places them as an southeast asian expatriate with a pit stop in NE africa. It’s too cold for them to live outside of human settlements in germany, although i’m pretty sure that will change in the next years, and then the name fits at last.

  • The reason for that fanclub is that publishing a game on Steam does NOT require you to use any DRM at all. That’s a choice every publisher makes for themselves.

    Furthermore, the Steam DRM itself is weak af (as in “circumvention has been automated”) and as non-invasive as it gets (a simple licence check). All of this is in line with their public stance (“Piracy is a service problem”).

    I pirate more shit than i could ever play, but still buy games on Steam (But only the stuff i really want to keep playing like Baldurs Gate 3, or small indie titles that are just gems (i have to namedrop ΔV: Rings of Saturn and Star Valor here, because i come back to them ALL the time)

  • I’ve had a few episodes a few years ago while i was heavily depressed and my sleep pattern was messed up. i didn’t see much, just shadows in the corner of my eyes, but i knew something evil was in the room and i heard deep, demonic voices from behind. the first few times i was in a full blown panic, but i read about sleep paralysis before, so i at least connected the dots quickly… wiggling my pinky finger was my mode of escape.

    fixing my sleep pattern with sleep meds (by force) made it go away

  • From the Report, Chapter 10.5.2:

    If the conditions are suitable, emissions of soot and water vapour can trigger the formation of contrails (Kärcher 2018), which can spread to form extensive contrail-cirrus cloud coverage. Such cloud coverage is estimated to have a combined ERF that is about 57% of the current net ERF of global aviation (Lee et al. 2021), although a comparison of cirrus cloud observations under pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic conditions suggest that this forcing could be smaller (Digby et al. 2021). Additional effects from aviation from aerosol-cloud interactions on high-level ice clouds through soot (Chen and Gettelman 2013; Zhou and Penner 2014; Penner et al. 2018), and lower-level warm clouds through sulphur (Righi et al. 2013; Kapadia et al. 2016) are highly uncertain, with no best estimates available (Lee et al. 2021).

    The 2 papers listed which quantify the effect:

    • Lee, D.S. et al., 2021: The contribution of global aviation to anthropogenic climate forcing for 2000 to 2018. Atmos. Environ. , 244, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117834. Link to paper
    • Digby, R.A.R., N.P. Gillett, A.H. Monahan, and J.N.S. Cole, 2021: An Observational Constraint on Aviation-Induced Cirrus From the COVID-19-Induced Flight Disruption. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 48(20) , e2021GL095882-e2021GL095882, doi:10.1029/2021GL095882. Link to paper