Going to be a bit negative but this is something that’s kinda annoyed me about Android in the last few years. BREAKING: new shortcut available! And then there’s the articles and breaking news for them doing shit like changing the design of the clock slightly every now and then.
What annoys me about all of this is that the very first Android phone that I had, the S4 Mini, that started out on Android 4.3, had custom firmwares around that allowed you to customise every shortcut with anything and choose from multiple styles of clock. Amongst other things.
Which tells me that the folks working on Android could easily make things more customisable but they choose not to so that we can get these articles going on about how awesome a new shortcut is and they get to look like they’re always working on these new ‘innovations’.
They’re running out of ways to add extra cameras, so now they’re acting like adding a new shortcut to a button that should’ve been more configurable in the first place is some sort of technological breakthrough.
I wish that I existed in the better timeline where after Fear Factor was over, this guy went on to sell vacuum cleaners on infomercials where he belongs instead of being some sort of political talking head. I mean, what the fuck.
I joked about this once, but I’m starting to think that if the Democrats want to win the people over, they need to get that guy who hosted Survivor to run for president, and get Guy Fieri to run a podcast to get all the kids onboard. The USA might not trust politicians or science or education anymore but they sure as hell trust '00s era reality TV stars.