• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I truly believe there were only 2 factors that mattered in its death. First and foremost was the massive amount of debt the failure of the Saturn had left Sega already trying to recover from. If they hadn’t had that to worry about it would have been financially successful as it stood.

    The second factor was more insidious. Sony did such a good job hyping up the PS2 that people really believed it would be way more powerful than the DC. Yet the DC could produce better graphics than the PS2 at launch. But that’s not what the public perception was. I worked at Electronic’s Boutique during the PS2’s launch, and no matter how much I tried it was impossible to diffuse the hype around it when I would try to convince people there was no need to wait and they should get a Dreamcast today rather than waiting for the PS2. But it was a lost cause most of the time. And ultimately those people are better off with how things eventually played out

  • I’ve been using Firefox as my primary on both desktop and mobile for about 6 years now, and it’s usually pretty great. Desktop rarely has problems. On mobile there are a good number of sites with issues though, because devs don’t usually test against it as has had a low number of users. But hopefully this revitalized movement to switch will make them have to care. And that said, 99% of the time these sites are still mostly usable, unless the broken thing is important like say a login screen 😅

  • I’ve switched jobs about every two years on average for the past 19 years of my career. Unfortunately it’s just like you said, the only way to get a meaningful increase is to jump ship. That said, once you break 100k, that motive seems to calm down a bit. You start caring more about the culture and the people you work with than how much you’re getting paid. I’ve taken a pay cut even once because my mental health required a better environment.

    But sadly, at least in the startup world, there is this perpetual arch I see all the companies take. They all start good then slowly devolve into something worse, where when you finally leave you’re glad to go. Something about getting bigger corrupts what was good about a place, and if you IPO good luck. Culture goes out the window as soon as shareholders become your only driving concern.

    So as jaded as that sounds, sometimes you do find a good place, and they give you decent enough raises and you can stay a while. Although for me personally, the longest I’ve stayed somewhere yet is 4 years or so. Maybe one day I’ll find that magic place that’s worth staying at for a full decade