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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024

  • Fun /s facts i learned recently about Banksy:

    • intentionally does art near low income neighborhoods, thus gentrifying them to all hell
    • he built a hotel 4 miles away from the Gaza Strip that trivialized everything Palestine was going through for the past 78 years, and told a story of how the genocide is “a nuanced and debatable issue”

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF98ii6r_gU pretty sure this is the one [from the series] your post made me think of… My take away as relevant here is that it’s not overcomplicated: If your a marginalized person and you know your rights, all the facts and appeals reason will be dismissed by those who buy into the fear-based moral panic propaganda about you, solely on your intrinsic traits.

    That’s not a two-way street.

    Choosing not to engage with such people does not put me in an information silo in the same way that the population influenced by right-wing authoritarianism choose to stand on both sides of a contradiction and refuse to analyze the true root causes of their woes; that you can’t class traitor yourself onto the side of the ultra-wealthy, and that their Supreme Leader will throw them under the bus at the first incentive.

    A person who chooses to protect their energy from such a Facebook uncle, does not consitute a both-sides.

    Not that I went looking for anyone pressing a “both-sides” angle…hoping we can leave it behind in terms of “information silos”

  • Couple thought experiments for those interested:

    This Subthread addresses how we premempt violent, conquistadoric tendencies (starts at home) – and how we can prevent the reemergence of heirarchies

    This video (and really the whole channel) “dares” to vividly dream; to envision: A world taken back from the clutches of the planetary work machine.

    Capitalist Realism, i suspect, has a Heirarchal sibling, intent on keeping us convinced that “Resistance is Futile.” Therefore Dreaming and “being Utopian” are not only of utility, but crucial and worth celebrating