Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. Despite the attempts to silence me, I’m still here. I won’t be stopped.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2024

  • Im on Lemmy far more than I’d like to admit.

    My friend, I’m with you. And I actually get called troll and a bot, because “no one could be on Lemmy that much!!” Um what? I get accused of being a bot and I don’t think I’m even on a lot. lol

    Ive been banned from multiple places and couldn’t care any less about who banned me, or who the mods are. Grow up and chill out.

    100 percent this.

    Unless someone is posting something illegal, advocating violence/threats, or is doxxing, I think ANY and ALL bans are lame and come from power-hungry losers.

  • I don’t care what you have to say, to be frank

    I know. Glad you admitted it rather than imply that I was lying.

    You’re a troll and you know it.

    Nope. Posting things you don’t like doesn’t make me a troll. And I’m still glad I voted third-party. Funny how lots more are advocating for third-party now, huh? When I did it, I was accused of being a troll. Hmmm, my my my, how things change once the truth comes out.

    I’m still here, no matter how much you all tried to censor me. Because the fediverse is awesome and celebrates diversity of thought.

    And I hope that the squid guy in question, who I don’t agree with most of the time, realizes that Lemmy shouldn’t be taken so seriously. Hopefully, he steps back a bit and heals.

    Thanks, friend! :)

  • Some things are true whether you believe them or not.

    If you ever find proof of “harassing” DM’s that I sent, please post for us all to see. Because that was the supposed reason for my banning and when I ask about it, all I get is “That’s private, we don’t share private information.”

    Seems easy enough to block out the “private” part and show screencaps of what I said that would be deemed “harassing.” tho.

    Face it, the reason I was banned was because people thought I was a troll because I didn’t vote for the Biden/Harris train and voted socialist. Now it’s ok to bitch about Biden/Harris. And in fact, lots do now. But 3 months ago, it was viewed differently.

    Feel free to take a look:

    Still proud of what I did and what I said. And very very happy that I didn’t vote for Harris in the election. :)

    And the banning did nothing, I just switched to better and less censorship-happy instances. So all good.

    And people are still trying to ban me from other instances. LMAO But it didn’t work:

    Thanks, friend! Proof that people are still trying as of just last week (it failed and the admins in question rightly stood up for me and refused to bow down to the witchhunt):

  • People over at .world def purged stuff from mod log regarding me. Granted I wasn’t suicidal, so not very important, but they still purged some stuff. They definitely wanted to paint a particular narrative of me.

    They say they banned me for abusive PM’s. But I haven’t seen any evidence of those PM’s or what they considered “abusive.” Even after I asked them to publish these “abusive emails” for everyone to see.

    So yeah, they definitely can make up shit on their own over there.

    Having said that, sounds like both people involved in this interchange need help. Why the fuck do people take shit on Lemmy so seriously?!

  • I got banned from there a few months ago, and people from there STILL are mad, and now want me banned from the entire fediverse.

    I don’t know if it’s admins there, or just posters there, or what it is about .world that makes them like that.

    But those people will fucking stalk you to the ends of the earth. Just today they started a thread called: “I’m Calling For the Fediverse to Ban UniversalMonk”

    Like what the fuck? Guys, just block me and move on. The .world drama happened months ago. And they’re still bringing shit up today?! Say what?!

    They’re pissed off that even tho they got me banned there, other instances still allow me to post. I don’t ban evade tho, stay outta that place, but it was called to my attention when someone sent me the link because of the new requests to ban me from the entire earth.

    It’s crazytown over there. lol