I’m glad this happens in a world where newspapers endorse candidates, but I also don’t get why newspapers are allowed to endorse candidates in the first place. I guess that is the least of our concerns when you look at media bias, but still…
I’m glad this happens in a world where newspapers endorse candidates, but I also don’t get why newspapers are allowed to endorse candidates in the first place. I guess that is the least of our concerns when you look at media bias, but still…
You know how expensive minions, underlings, and henchmen are?! Why do you think their performance is scrutinized so heavily? MUH is the largest share of the evil budget! You need at least 3 evil breakthroughs before you can expand your MUH budget!
To a theist, all things are the creation of god. There’s no argument that can’t be settled as “god made it that way”. The real place you gotta hit em is in the arrogance of believing that the almighty created the bible, not humanity. And if they say that a sentient entity willed it thusly, then we return to the problem of evil: if humans are capable of evil, and this is god’s will, then the benevolent god in the bible is not accurately depicted. I wonder what else the bible got wrong? Maybe their god willed the creation of a bible that got stuff wrong on purpose?
Honestly, for a dystheistic spiritualist (that is to say, one who believes that the greatest ordering forces of the universe are neither good nor bad nor have any intention for us, yet recognize the importance of spirituality in human livelihood) who is conversing with a bible thumper, this is the best you can do. Help people depart from their idols and attachments, and connect with the real human experiences of the spiritual. The less we get distracted with rules and traditions, the more we can love our world and one another.
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theirs knoe mods here,
a pair of human pants and a human burrito with meat
but how will other redditors know how smart I am if i dont regurgitate what i read on reddit
wtf i looked 3 times and didnt see him, i thought you were joking. this meme was a fun idea but the execution sucks
OOoooooOOOOOoooOOO time keeps moving FOOOooooOOOooOOORWARD!
Yes to that entire comment.
Ha! Gotta rip one as they’re listening to the wind in the trees.
All these physics answers! The funnest explanation for a kid is just that music is only there when you’re listening to it. If you don’t listen, there’s no music. When you start listening again, music comes back. Then ask if they can hear the music of the wind.
Really sums up small town life.
duuude how many degrees celsius do you think one uranium wafer could heat one litre of water by??
This actually happened to me once. I illegally streamed a show and then this Italian guy Vinnie the Foot blasts through my screen. Nice guy. Asked for a towel, I made him an espresso, we watched movies and smoked cigars til sunrise.
So, what, did ChatGPT just rip this off wikipedia?
is TPB dead?
I saw boobs today
this was fun, thanks