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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024

  • On a massive scale ongoingly for thousands of years? Yes. Let’s bring to light the many attempts at colonizing the Middle East by western powers, ie the crusades or Mandatory Palestine. These attempts were all money and land inspired and respectively very short and unsuccessful. There is no doubt in my mind that Western colonialism has wreaked havoc in the middle East for far too long. But to land those motivations on Jews and Palestinians (those who by birthright the land belongs to) doesn’t sit right with me. Let’s settle on the fact that Western intervention has been the real catalyst for power struggles there, while the violent puppets that play out the wars on the world’s stage are only being made into scapegoats in order to justify the greed and power grabs of outside interests.

  • Would you like to look into what the minority group and it’s situation was like in Palestine before this colonization happened? How the human rights were for this minority group? It was the exact same except the other way. Still keep on about how it’s all different now.

    I will restate my point that if your taking a side in this that isn’t the humanitarian one. You’re on the wrong side of history. And back to my original sentiment that calling this an issue of colonization is not getting this argument anywhere.

  • I really think they are a part of the alt-right/Russian playbook now. Russia has always been known to stir up shit and the GOP is on a serious misinformation Kool-aid binge right now. I’ll even go so far as to say that the current conflict in the Middle East has Russian fingerprints on it. They have done it before.