• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • I finished Laika : Aged through blood. An indie metroidvania / 2d bike shooter / bullet time.


    It’s the story of a mother in a post-apocalyptic environment having to care for her daughter and village while doing the war outside.

    Everything, art, music, is a masterpiece. The music is just extremely good.

    Outside of special zones, there are 20 you have to find, and it cycles between them. All 20 are voiced, with words or humming.

    The story is good, and is extremely anti-war.

    The gameplay feels amazing. It can be hard at first, but I quickly learned how to control the bike and and to do backflips and frontflips at the right time to reload guns and the pary.

    The main character laika is one-shot, but the game isn’t very punishing. The respawn points aren’t too far away from each other, and they are optional. When you die, you loose a pouch with the currency, and can get it back.

    There are some little issues with the game tho. The ending seems to be a bit rushed. The ending boss isn’t that difficult, and there were some cuts it seems.

    But overall these little issues aren’t that bad, and the game is still amazing for an indie.

  • I finished Laika : Aged through blood. An indie metroidvania / 2d bike shooter / bullet time.

    And i can say that it is, damn amazing!

    It’s the story of a mother in a post-apocalyptic environment having to care for her daughter and village while doing the war outside.

    Everything, art, music, is a masterpiece. The music is just extremely good.

    Outside of special zones, there are 20 you have to find, and it cycles between them. All 20 are voice, with words or humming.

    The story is good, and is extremely anti-war.

    The gameplay feels amazing. It can be hard at first, but I quickly learned how to control the bike and and to do backflips and frontflips at the right time to reload guns and the pary.

    The main character laika is one-shot, but the game isn’t very punishing. The respawn points aren’t too far away from each other, and they are optional. When you die, you loose a pouch with the currency, and can get it back.

    There are some little issues with the game tho. It doesn’t tell that combo rewards more currency from enemies (it’s a timed combo, sho shooting will either increase or refresh the combo, and shooting flying bodies increases the combo up to 2 more times). The ending seems to also be a bit rushed. The ending boss isn’t that difficult, and there were some cuts it seems.

    But overall these little issues aren’t that bad, and the game is still amazing.

  • There are some useful things in there, but it can get complicated. If i could get to Linux I wouldn’t need a lot of this stuff, or at least I wouldn’t need to think about it.

    Tho I can’t get to it yet (and no I’m not willing to do a windows vm), because of 2 things :

    • I’m playing warframe, and sometimes I open alecafrale in the background with the overlays to know what reward to pick. And it seems they overwolf and the app is not compatible with Linux, at least from what I could read.

    • I am using gpu virtualisation to share my pc occasionally with my brother. And on Linux, there is an alternative with LIBVF.IO. but sadly, not compatible with newer amd gpus, or at least from the tutorial and arch wiki, pretty complicated to make it run, if even possible.

    When these 2 things would be fixed, maybe I’ll consider it, if i don’t have to switch to windows every 2 days…

  • Am I mistaken, or did you want to say 50mbps and 10mbps? 50gbps seems way above what a wireless network can do.

    For a vpn, your connection through wireless or fiber is exactly the same. The city only provides the fiber infrastructure. When you get Internet, it’s through a provider which will use their equipments and main network (they link their network to the city infrastructure, using their devices. At least, it’s how it works in France). Unless the provider is the city.

    Tho I guess that providers do give data to the state so whatever the case, it would be the same thing.

  • Manjaro is a bit of a strange distro. It works on some setups and breaks on other. On my hp laptop, manjaro stood there without breaking for a year.

    On my brother’s Lenovo laptop, the distro craped itself while trying to update packages, after 2 months…

    Both had aur enabled, but I had the most aur software installed. So no idea why it broke.

    Since I installed fedora on his laptop, no issues for 2 years.

  • Yeah… It’s not really the same.

    Python is a programming language, much harder to use than power Querry as power Querry does the programming. There are actions you can do in power Querry, and it will automatically created and adapted to the previous and next step in the M language, tho the next steps aren’t automatically changed if there is a breaking change.

    Grafana not sure. I am working in accounting. Maybe I can talk to the person who set up power Bi, but not sure if it would be adapted. Currently the tool isn’t deployed to clients, but mostly ready for testing.

  • For PowerPoint, I guess you would be able to find something which suits your needs, with libreoffice, onlyoffice… And others.

    However for my work, there is currently, no alternatives I know to Excel, because of Power Querry. There is also power Bi beeing extremely powerful without alternatives.

    For personal use, I don’t need much of them so, whatever.