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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • They probably went over it(I only skimmed ‘cause it’s long and ADHD) but I find it very funny that all these right-wing people love the older architecture while forgetting that the reason things are bland today is because fancy is expensive and expensive means less profits. They’re not going to get office buildings for the peons that are works of art and you can see how the homes of the ultra wealthy are still just as extravagant as they’ve always been. They forget that peasants weren’t allowed in the palaces.

    The base of the right, the ones the truly evil people target, are often picked up using simple tricks that make them believe that anything which strips power from the mega wealthy will harm them, their families, and their friends. They really do want to protect the working man but they’re really easily fooled and so showing them pretty buildings and non-minimalist art makes them believe that the relatively more leftist world is taking things away from them.

    I mean fuck, how many times do they need to post the “roman roads were better” meme before they realize that a) the roman roads were government/military projects and not the work of private companies, b) roman roads that still exist are in warmer climates without frost heave, and c) roman roads never had to deal with fucking massive and fast cars. Oh and d) roads these days are built cheaply to save a buck and the contractors know they’ll be rehired anyway so what the fuck do they care?

  • And that’s exactly it. Capitalism rewards having money and how you get it isn’t important. It doesn’t breed technological innovation but it sure as shit pumps out new, fun ways to spew propoganda and avoid laws! And oh boy is paying employees well not even close to a metric by which to measure a successful company.

    It’s the least people clever in the room having the volume to make sure that no one smarter than them can speak and then claiming they’re geniuses when only their idea gets through.

  • Personally I’m excited that we kinda are hitting the reset button. It absolutely isn’t a guarantee but it’s closer than it’s ever been to working.

    Capitalism is the attempt to keep feudalism going and it’s collapsing in on itself. With the speed that technology now moves within a person’s lifetime we can see how the usual tricks just don’t work as well. We’ve also got baseline regulations keeping things like lead out of the air and giving at least some basic human rights to people who historically would be kicked around by even the better societies. Rightwing parties are stronger and meaner because they’re afraid but their bases shrink even with the normally unifying nationalist rhetoric being pushed. Fuck even Israel is finally being told off and Hamas is being treated far closer to rebels than terrorists which, considering all the precedent set, is pretty extra wild!

    We are moving forward. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t people fighting to hold us back but it’s happening anyway and will continue to happen so long as we keep standing up for ourselves.

  • The energy I’m getting from this, and it might be different in reality but this is what the post is offering, is very “I’m constantly questioning him to the point where he probably just has no idea if what I’m saying is valuable or just me not trusting him to handle himself.” It doesn’t matter if you’re looking out for him if the only thing you’re actually showing is judgement.

    And the parking around back thing…you say you don’t care but the very first thing you have to say about it is that it’s not socially acceptable. And what’s the problem, then? Is someone going to egg your house over it or are you just worried that someone who isn’t worth your time anyway might have a negative opinion of you?

    It’s good that you’re worried about him but a) he’s an adult who makes his own choices and you ultimately can’t force him to do anything and b) if that worry presents as judgement and a barrage of unsolicited “advice” it doesn’t fucking matter, one little bit, what your intention supposedly is. Neurotypical people and their game of expecting mind-reading while communicating poorly and unclearly is tiring as hell and he might just not give a rat’s ass about your opinion anymore.

    Everything you’ve written is about you not wanting to deal with something. You seem to care more about your personal image and the impact you’ll feel if he gets upset rather than something bad happening to him. It’s not his fault you can’t communicate clearly.

    It’s a just scooter and he’s an adult. Until you come to terms with that you’re never going to get anywhere and it’s not his job to do the work for you.

    BONUS: As a motorcycle rider I know that the rules about vehicles that don’t require licenses are speed limited. For where I’m from that’s 50km/h before it requires a license. You telling him to look elsewhere or buy online is stupid as hell. He did exactly what you told him to do and you’re upset about it.

  • Heck, you could even just have some level of anxiety. Aggresively calling one specific set of traits “neurotypical” has led to anyone outside of that needing some kind of diagnoses when in reality the state of the world is kinda fucking destructive towards people’s mental states. The people “just doing it” are largely either also expending a tonne of energy and just afraid to say anything, or made up of the sort of people who just pretend that everything is ok despite all the evidence because they can’t face the harshness of what’s happening. It’s not a desireable place to be, in my opinion, to be the kind of person who can get act like the world isn’t fucked enough to grind out their 9-5 for increasingly little pay.

    I hope you can figure it out, ADHD or otherwise.

  • I’d still recommend looking into it, or doing some variation that suits your particular circumstance because everyone is different in its own way.

    That said, the only piece of advice you should absolutely follow is seeking individual therapy. It can be a strange thing at first, especially if there’s an idea of it on your head. We all do it differently so no one person’s experience will speak for the others.

    For me, I’m actually pretty “good” at it but there’s still a tonne of value I find in being able to talk it through with someone completely separated from the rest of my life but who still cares enough to help. Other people are looking for more guidance, some just need an ear, and many aren’t even sure what they need until they do it for a bit.

  • Talking to a therapist on your own will be the biggest thing you can do. You can give them so much context and they can give you a tailored plan or just be a trusted sounding board, even.

    The only thing I can say is that you can’t discount your own happiness. It’s just as important as anyone else’s, if not more so since people like your partner can feel that energy, too.

    A friend of mine recently had to do pretty much this. Frankly it’s remarkable how similar the situations are. His ex-partner is still alive and mot “done for” and she deals with many strong anxieties on top of not being as financially stable.

    What they did was separate at first, with him moving out first so she had more time to get her own self in order.

  • I’ve noticed with my Lamy Safari that the lead isn’t as loose in the pencil. I’m positive that the lead is doing the heavy lifting but there’s something to be said for good tolerances.

    It’s like a car. If I take marshmallow suspension to the racetrack it’s not gunna be a good time no matter how grippy my tires are.

    They also may enjoy the body of it. Expensive pencils often have chunkier bodies and that can help with getting a better grip. Ergonomics are pretty important, especially for detail work like writing.

  • Communism, like capitalism, is an extreme that has certain, very difficult to achieve, requirements. Capitalism needs everyone to be morally decent in order for companies to focus on winning customers through innovation instead of propganda and lobbying, and to accept losses instead of whining. Even the transition into communism is incredibly complicated and technically what where the USSR was stuck, and once there you have to hope that the rest of the world went along with it because it’ll work either on increbily small scales(individual companies, for example) or on a global scale but not really on a mid-sized scale. Plus in both you have basic greed and people who are literally just born narcissitic or legitimately psychotic.

    Extreme ideologies are great thought experiments but rarely have any kind of well-developed protections built and are pretty fragile.

    If you want a better answer, look at the quality of life in countries with stronger regulations and more communism-according-to-North America systems. In the heavily privatised U.S. there are a lot of people who live absolutely shit lives due to an abyssmal lack of protections. Even in Canada, which is far too close to the U.S. here, at least a homeless person can recieve some level of medical assistance including major surgeries and Covid stimulus was more than a cheap joke.
