• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • If you have a bunch of people guess how many M&M’s are in a jar you can average the guesses and you’ll come very close to the correct amount. A recommendation system can be very democratic in that way. When reddit still had their public API I would take advantage of this fact and use it to decide if something was a “deal” or not on PC parts. I was tracking the prices of computer ram at the time as an experiment. It worked very well. If they are federated properly, then their content can be filtered and appear on an instances front page.

  • I’ve had this idea of a larger trading economy based on boardgamegeeks “math trades.” You could list an inventory of good used items you’d like to get rid of and then you can select other people’s items that you would like to receive in exchange. Then the trading software kicks in and tells you who to send your item to and you receive an item from someone else.

    This works for boardgames on a smaller scale, but on a larger scale it lacks a trust system.

    A website like ebay would be required to handle the amount of inventory and user rating system. Government id and a chargeback system for disputes would probably be required to help mitigate misrepresentations.

    I honestly don’t think such a service could be free, but it could work well in other niches than just board games and it would be nice to be able to trade between niches like a car starter in exchange for a blender.

    I think it could be federated as well, with different instances being ran for different types of things.

    We could call it “freebay”

    I suppose the site operator would charge a listing fee. This would prevent people from flooding the site with too many items or a bunch of fakes.

  • I said I’m not aware of everything that was said by each of these individuals, I did read the article which does tell critics to shut up and lacks direct quotes to each incident.

    As far as I’m aware, transphobia has a very specific meaning. It gets used very loosely as “those who disagree” or those who don’t understand what we’re talking about.
    Conservatives want activists to push regular people away. When you do that, then you become isolated. Unfortunately, you’re stuck playing their game.

  • It wasn’t a defense because I can’t tell you from what place these people were coming from or how much or little they thought through their statements and how much they do or don’t understand about being trans. It’s worth exploring where these people are coming from if you want to change the publics perception of Trans people. You accusing me of being in defense of transphobia is exactly what I’m talking about. Many of these people were lamenting the sudden new wave of political correctness that they didn’t understand. Telling them to shut up doesn’t get them on your side. “You get more flies with honey.”

    Trans people are fighting against a multi-billion dollar advertising campaign against them. They’re simply a convenient Boogeyman for the far right. It’s a very niche to be trans, so unfortunately, advocating for yourself comes with the territory just like any other minority group that has fought to be more widely accepted.

  • Sure, these reactions aren’t happening in a vacuum and the author of the article tells people to shut up if they don’t understand trans activism or the attempt at shifting language in the case of Middler. I won’t defend all of these people because I’m not aware of everything they’ve said.

    In the case of Chappelle, he’s just capitalizing on the political climate. There’s nothing wrong with criticism and that goes back to what I said prior and my criticism of this author. That activists will attack anybody who doesn’t understand their entire world immediately.

    The trans rights movement took off during 2016 and the NC bathroom bill. A bill designed to cause conflict along political lines leading up to the election. At the same time I noticed a shift in rhetoric and it was almost like some obscure corner of Tumblr just went on a rampage across the internet with new talking points about more than two genders, wierd pronouns etc. Many people are not going to understand that kind of thing, especially older people.

    Of course this anti-trans rhetoric comes from the far right, but trans activists and people pretending to be them don’t make it easy to see where they’re coming from.

    If we look at the gay rights movement, it was much different. Trans people do deserve to be angry about what is happening to them in the untied states, but at the same time if they want to be more widely accepted they need more clear messaging and they need to accept that people don’t understand even the most basic principles of what makes someone trans.

    You can’t just shut people out and shout them down when they don’t know what you’re talking about because then they will discard your entire position wholesale.

    Of course there are bad faith actors on the right who will pretend to want to ‘debate’ that’s not who I’m talking about. It’s the people in the middle who would accept you if only you would accept them even with their faults.