Good for you bud. That’s awesome. I got one of those claw things with a handle that way I don’t have to touch the trash or bend down every time, works great. Got it from Walgreens for like ten bucks.
Put on some headphones, put on a podcast, and I go wander around the beach. Feels good and is actually relaxing to me.
Anything important I keep in my Dropbox folder, so then I have a copy on my desktop, laptop, and in the cloud.
When I turn off my desktop, I use restic to backup my Dropbox folder to a local external hard drive, and then restic runs again to back up to Wasabi which is a storage service like amazon’s S3.
Same exact process for when I turn off my laptop… except sometimes I don’t have my laptop external hd plugged in so that gets skipped.
So that’s three local copies, two local backups, and two remote backup storage locations. Not bad.
Changes I might make:
I used seafile for a long time but I couldn’t keep it up so I switched to Dropbox.
Advice, thoughts welcome.