Hopefully this works out better than the time they made iTunes for Windows
I’m just this guy, you know?
Hopefully this works out better than the time they made iTunes for Windows
I’m sure there’s departments in PA where he’d fit right in
Just write a bash script to loop over them.
Yet again I’m asking the Fediverse: What do they think a good economy should look like?
For more inclusive piracy, check out Our Flag Means Death
Nation-states were a stupid idea to begin with
I think it has more to do with maintaining a manufacturing base for defense than it is about jobs or the economy.
I was a teenager who wanted to be a 1337 haxxor so I found out what warez were, and then wanted to play a bunch of games for free.
The Agricultural Revolution was a trap
They’re boosting their sign up numbers by putting porn behind it. I bet it’s not even that racy, they just know that humans are motivated by something potentially titillating
I remember those days. Except back then you had the added challenge of finding space for it on your 1.2GB hard drive
You know what would make a twelve-hour fantasy movie even more fun? No pausing for bathroom breaks!
I’ve worked for a couple startups and you’re absolutely right. If you make a profit you pay taxes on that money, so startups like to spend most of the money they bring in. They also want to show revenue growth, since that’s what investors like to see. You grow revenue by getting more paying customers. And you do that by doing what your customers want.
When you go public, your goal is to increase shareholder value. So you do this by reducing costs and finding ways to wring customers out of revenue. You find ways to nickle and dime customers out of revenue so much you develop an entire branch of law devoted to you suing your customers
Also if I made something with “federation” I wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of Trek nerds showed up
The ability to hyperfocus on a problem to the detriment of my relationships and physical health is definitely something employers value
Mattermost has voice chat now so you can ditch Skype
I’m not actually sure what they do with the calves but it’s not growing them as normal meat cows.
They raise them for a little bit and then slaughter them and sell it as veal.
His hell is trying on gloves that don’t fit for eternity
I remember when iTunes was called SoundJam MP and that was much nicer than iTunes. I still miss its eclipse visualizer.