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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Rukmer@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlSure it is
    8 months ago

    I’m not saying it’s exactly the same, but I’ve heard of American kindergarten teachers being told to take down the color learning rainbow decor which were NOT pride flags because bigoted parents threw a huge fit about the gay decorations. I’ve seen unironic videos of people claiming any decor featuring a rainbow in a classroom is LGBTQ indoctrination. And they were pointing at cartoon depictions of the sky, like with smiling clouds and suns.

  • It’s good to keep in mind, but I mean do you sit there through 1-3 minute ads not skipping forward? I don’t watch much television, I mostly watch YouTube. So I watch a lot of it. What good is watching an ad going to do if I’m never going to buy anything from them? Once or twice, I’ve needed or wanted a product or service I thought might be promoted on YouTube, I went and looked for a creator to get a link/code from. But I think I did that two times in the past 9 years of being an avid YouTube watcher, and those times I was not buying the product due to ads, just thought I’d support a creator since I was going to make a purchase. I don’t have sponsor block (I use NewPipe and I don’t feel like learning a new app), but I just skip all the ads by tapping the skip button a bunch. They’re often 2 full minutes.

  • Your post is well-written. I’m feeling more colloquial at the moment.

    I can’t even with these groups. Denying people the right to label themselves or their children in a way that helps communicate their struggles in a quick and widely-understood way is borderline bullying. And I’ve seen it devolve into bullying, especially bullying parents of level 3 autistics. I’ve also seen people bullied for calling themselves “high functioning.” It’s not like they’re bragging, they’re just trying to communicate their diagnosis and likely their needs. They may even be trying to be considerate by not overstepping as in, “I am/my child is high functioning so this might not apply to your child, but have tried…?”

    The language policing is completely out of hand. The way they try to control your opinions is out of hand. Many online groups are essentially cults. A lot of socially disabled/handicapped autistic people are really experiencing a lot of pain from the way things have been. The groups/communities that try to counter this strict, high control atmosphere are a little better, but a lot of them let “free speech” go too far and they end up containing bigotry. Which sucks because most of the people seem good and these groups are even more diverse in that I’ve seen a lot of level 2s in them (whereas they get kicked out of the high control groups because they struggle to reform their vocabulary, or perhaps they refuse to ‘play games’ with controlling moderators).

    I understand it’s difficult because autistic people tend to like rules and rigidity, but we really do need to find the medium between hyper controlling every member in a group (and shunning people for even slight difference of opinion) and a total free-for-all (and not banning anyone even if they’re trolling or being bigoted etc.).

  • Rukmer@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlRestricted Topics
    11 months ago

    If you use these trackers and barge in “hey I saw what you did on the internet, you’re in trouble.” then you’re doing it wrong. Kids need guidance. If you were negligent enough to let your kid roam the city without supervision, you SHOULD have a tracker on them. We’re talking about little kids not 16+. Many young kids get themselves killed or groomed or into some kind of cult online. When that happens to young kids, parents are negligent. When 12 year olds get addicted to porn, negligence. You can guide your children without being an asshole. I know a lot of us grew up either completely neglected or completely terrified to make a mistake, but there is an in-between.

  • I haven’t looked into it yet but it does seem interesting to research.

    This isn’t something I would be too excited about, personally. Online groups intended to be for autistic people quickly get overrun by people who do not respect autistic persons’ individuality, do not respect that some people are profoundly disabled by autism, and frankly get very cliquey if not culty. I would assume this sort of thing would be worse in a living environment. They can’t just kick you out of a group for disagreeing, they can kick you out of your home. You cannot log off to escape the bullying and harassment so prevalent in online “autistic” communities.

    I love other autistic people on an individual level. And in fact I’m quite certain many of the people who are causing the problems in these online communities are not in fact autistic. Autistic people can cause problems too, of course (anyone can), but I don’t believe the online autistic communities would have these specific problems if they were really compromised of at least a majority of autistic people. Or if there was a way to include severely and moderately-severe autistic people in our communities more. It feels like we’re leaving them behind in the ‘nothing about us without us’ realm and in our communities.

    It’s 2am and I’m sleepy, sorry for the lack of coherence.