Probably right 💅
Probably right 💅
Gosh, I wish I could put my plants outside but they will be instantly destroyed by city nature. I’m not even sure how she ended up like this. Her leaves just fell off naturally and never regenerated. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you for this info! I feel like this applies to just general care though. I’m looking to learn specifically what happens when I have a healthy stump, how to stimulate stem/leaf growth.
It’s very happy, I’ve harvested a lot of seedlings that are growing beautifully and I think mama are growing more in the roots. I’m just confused why she be like she be 😅
Every night 🥰
I swear I love all my special plants! 😅😅
Just in time for the release of the new dead in the eyes emoji.
It’s interesting scrolling through the search results. Seems like a lot of schools, municipalities, and the Philippines have a problem with distinguishing between confidential and public.
Meowlicious compliance
Boy, do I have a story to tell you…
Man, those were the days. When high school was absolutely engaging, even in my hard classes.
Thank you for your service 🫡
I must know what sites they are warning us about so that I know to avoid them!
I had an feeling you actually meant GenX but I just wanted to make sure. I know that GenX is often thought of as the latchkey generation. I’m on the edge of GenX/millennial.
I just see myself as apart of the “ boomerang “ generation where I’ll be worse off than my parents. Fun times.
I agree with everything you said except, im confused about the use of the term lost generation. That’s a generation born in the 1880-1900s.
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