Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Lord. I miss the days when I could say “I think the Republican candidate will meaningfully weaken American influence and moral authority on the world stage, damage our national finances in service to business elites, and cause needless deaths both at home and abroad through reckless and callous policy” instead of “Jesus fucking Christ, this is just outright, directly stated fascism, why are all of you ghouls still voting [R]???”

  • Honest question…how do you compromise with an ongoing genocide in an apartheid state?

    Same way we compromised with the UK and France in WW1, or the Soviet Union in WW2, or Turkiye during the Cold War, or Saudi Arabia in the modern day.

    When there are some 200 countries in the world, all with their own squabbles that affect their region and themselves, taking no sides is still taking sides - and no side is clean. The idea that there’s some ideal option where no one gets hurt is just not the reality of things. Not every conflict is like this - not every conflict will continue to be like this. We can make a better world. But not by sitting on our hands now in an attempt to keep them ‘clean’. Short of quite literally conquering the entire world, all of our choices are necessarily limited by the need to take a side in most conflicts, in which both sides are often pretty gruesome.

    That being said, fuck Israel. Revoke everything. Side with Palestine.